Chapter 5

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When he arrived, Santano Giovanni, the Capo of the Giovanni Family, already getting the news of his killing of that ingrate named Lorenzo, had been waiting with his two soldiers.

Did he think killing Lorenzo was enough to vent his anger? Did he think he was safe, now?

Blaise blazed past him to his office, cold rage subtly taking over, as Santano and his soldiers followed like obedient dogs.

"Boss," he said, head bowed down, respectfully. "I will compensate for this accident. I will make you twice-no, thrice the money I've caused you to lose."

"Is it that easy?" Blaise asked, reclining in his seat, his eyes calmly inspecting the book in his hand. It was a classic - one he had read enough times for the spine to look worn out. "Do you know how much I lost because of this accident as you call it? Eight hundred million dollars."

Santano recoiled as if he had been shouted at or even hit. "It was Ruby Wraith. I'm sure of it. She killed Enrique while my men and I were at the warehouse-"

"And how did Ruby Wraith know the warehouse's location... Or was that another accident?" he asked softly, a mild smile on his face.

Santano looked down, not daring to comment, lest he digs his grave further.

At the resounding silence, Blaise peered at the two muscular men flanking Santano. His smile turned friendly but looking at him induced shivers in Santano's body. "Are they newly recruited? I have not seen them before."

Santano looked at the men at his sides, face blanched.

It was then a matter of seconds.

Multiple gunshots rang in the stillness of the night, one after another, giving no time for one to breathe or even let the situation sink in. Two huge bodies slouched and eventually crumbled down - bright crimson blood gushing out like a stream of overflowing water, filling the room with its fresh metallic stench.

Santano closed his eyes, kneeling on the ground and trembling, as blood from both sides splattered on his deathly pale face and tainted his beige shirt.

All this while, the soft smile on Blaise's face remained intact as if he was talking with a friend over tea, even as his eyes held a bloodcurdling expression.

He smoothly put away his gun.

"Maybe they should follow their erstwhile brother Lorenzo to the underworld to learn the trade, lest more such accidents take place in the near future."

The thick, loosely bound folder slid away from him

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The thick, loosely bound folder slid away from him. A disturbance amongst the otherwise neat mahogany desk.

His subordinates had slid away as well, while he was engrossed in reading its contents, albeit, less noisily.

Lilithe Blackthorne.

That was her name. But she told him to call her Lily. Yet, he preferred Lilithe.

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