Chapter 13

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About two weeks have passed and Y/N has been crazy busy with work. She barely sees her roommates because she always comes home late and leaves early in the morning. 

However she asked her team leader, Kangmin, to take the weekend off because her family will be visiting her. Apparently Jaehyun, her oldest brother, has some things to do in Seoul. He will take his wife, his son and their mother with him so they can spend some time with Y/N.

"Unnie, I'm leaving now. Just got a text from my Mom, apparently they're here." Y/N told Jihyo as she gathered her stuff to leave.

"It's good you're taking off the weekend. You've been working really hard lately."

"Yeah, It'll be good to spend some time with them." Y/N nodded.

"Wait, let me join you. I haven't seen your mother in a while. I want to say hello." Jihyo also stood up.

"Okay, let's go." The younger police officer smiled and the two went outside. There Y/N saw her mother, her sister-in-law Yuri and her son Minjun.

"Minjun-ah!" Y/N smiled and immediately went to Yuri to hug her nephew.

"Yah! Your mom is here too!" Mrs. Park scolded.

"Welcome to Seoul, mom." Y/N laughed and hugged her mom before hugging Yuri as well.

"Hi, Mrs. Park." Jihyo showed up behind Y/N.

"Omo, Jihyo-yah!" The woman yelled and gave the girl a hug. "How are you dear? I haven't seen you in ages." 

"I'm good, Mrs. Park. How are you?" 

"I'm great. You haven't met Jaehyun's wife have you? This is my daughter-in-law, Yuri and that's her son Minjun."

"It's so nice to meet you, Jihyo-ssi. I've heard a lot about you." Yuri said to which Jihyo replied the same thing. She has met Jaehyun a few times but she never saw his wife before.

"Where's oppa?" Y/N asked as she took Minjun from Yuri's arms.

"He dropped us off and left for a meeting. He'll join us afterwards." Yuri explained.

"Okay, well let's go eat something. I bet you guys are hungry." Y/N suggested.

"We kinda are. Jihyo, why don't you join us?" Mrs. Park asked.

"Oh thank you for the offer but I still have some work to do. Maybe another time." Jihyo rejected politely.

"Alright, well I hope to see you again soon."

"Me too. I can't join you, but I can walk you to Y/N's car." Jihyo smiled looking at Y/N.

"That would be great, Jihyo-yah." The woman patted Jihyo's arm.

"My car is right there, let's go." Y/N said and the three women followed her while Y/N kept smiling at the boy in her arms. Right before they arrived at the car, they bumped into Minji who just came back from an investigation.

All of them, including Y/N and Minji, stood there dumbfounded. Minji hasn't seen Y/N's family ever since they broke up.

"Minji-yah." Mrs. Park spoke up.

"Hello, mo-, I mean Mrs. Park." Minji quickly changed her way of words. She can't call her mom anymore since she isn't dating the woman's daughter anymore.

"I'm actually really glad to see you. I missed you." Y/N's mother smiled and hugged Minji tightly. Minji was surprised at first but hugged her back. Y/N just looked at Yuri and Yuri threw her a weak smile. 

"I missed you too."

"You still look as beautiful as before." Mrs. Park smiled, pulling away from the hug. Although she still looks beautiful, Mrs. Park can notice a few changes in Minji's appearance. Her hair is a darker colour now, and it is wavy when it used to be straight. Her clothing style also seems a bit different, she looks more classy than before. Minji was always known to look elegant, but right now she looks even more elegant than before. 

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