Chapter 9

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"Are you okay?" Y/N approached Minsu after the bullies ran away.

"Why did you help me? You should have let them hurt me. It will be much worse now! They will hurt me even more now because you stood up for me!" The guy stood up yelling and crying.

"No, it won't be because they clearly got scared."

"Still, I didn't ask for your help so don't you ever help me again." The guy started to walk away, limping. Seems like his leg is hurt.

"I wouldn't have found you if you hadn't gotten in trouble yourself." Y/N said which made the guy stop walking.

"W-what do you mean?" The guy turned around. The alley is pretty dark now so they can't see each other's facial expressions very well.

"I'm talking about the phone you stole, young boy." The guy stood there completely frozen hearing this. Yes, he did hear that Y/N is a cop but he didn't think that that was the reason why she's here. He just thought that she witnessed him getting bullied and decided to help.

He stood there for about 10 seconds, completely silent and then he started to run. But since his leg is hurt, he fell only about 5 seconds later. 

"Trying to run away with a hurt leg?" Y/N approached him on the ground. "You trying to run away literally just confirmed to me that you're guilty."

"I-I didn't have a choice, please believe me." He started crying. "I-I didn't want to do it."

"Let's get you up and talk about it." Y/N helped him up and they walked to somewhere where there was more light.

"Let's sit down here." Y/N suggested when they got on the main busy road.

"I found out that you stole a phone two days ago. Your face is clearly on camera and we can see that you stole the phone out of a woman's bag. What would you say about that?" Y/N asked but the guy kept silent not knowing what to say.

"Look, if you tell me the truth it'll be much better for you. If you refuse to talk right now, I will have no other option than taking you to the police station but if you talk to me now, there's no need to do that. I won't hurt you or arrest you as long as you talk to me about what happened. And don't try to lie and say that you didn't do it because it's clearly on camera. There is very hard evidence on you. There's no way you can escape this. So start talking."

"I-I didn't want to steal the phone. The bullies made me do it. A few days ago, they broke my phone and laughed at me because it was an old one. Then they told me to get myself a new one and if I don't do that, they will hurt me much more than they usually do. The problem is I barely have any money to buy a new phone. I saw the phone in that woman's bag and I was so scared that those bullies would hurt me again so I stole it." The guy explained looking down.

"Where's the phone now? Did you give it to them?" Y/N asked to which the guy shook his head. 

"It's at my place. I was supposed to show it to them today but I hoped that they would forget about it. I felt very bad for stealing it so in case those bullies forgot about it, I wanted to return it to the owner. But they didn't forget about it, that's why they hurt me today."

"Where do you live?"

"I live nearby." He answered. This means that the woman she met that claimed to be his aunt was right. He doesn't live there anymore because that house is not nearby.

"How about we do this? We go to the hospital to get you a check up and then we go to your place so you can give me the phone back. I won't arrest you because I saw you getting bullied and I believe what you're telling me."

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