Chapter 45

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"Let's say that you weren't my sister's girlfriend and I made a move on you back then... would you have let me?" Sana has been curious about this for a long time. What if the circumstances were different? Would Sana have had a chance?

"Yeah, I would have..." Y/N looked Sana in the eyes. "I would have but only if the circumstances were different and you weren't my ex girlfriend's sister. If you would make a move on me right now, I wouldn't let you do it."

"Yah, you think I'm that bad to make a move on someone that is my sister's ex??" Sana hit Y/N's shoulder. "I completely agree with you on this one. If you would make a move on me, I wouldn't let you do it either. I waited fifteen years to reunite with my family, especially with Nayeon unnie. And now that I finally did, I can't break our relationship over a cute girl."

"I'm guessing I'm the cute girl, right?" Y/N teased.

"Yah!" Sana yelled but Y/N just laughed.

"No, you're right. I didn't spend all that time and money to find you just for you to end up betraying her. I did it so you two could reunite and build up your relationship again."

"Exactly." Sana nodded. "But just so you know if Nayeon unnie weren't in the picture, we would be dating right now."

"And how are you so sure? Maybe we wouldn't work out?" Y/N smiled.

"I just know we would have made a great couple. And I always get what I want so... I definitely would have managed to make you mine. You're lucky I have morals, or else even in this situation I could still make you mine despite you saying you wouldn't let me make a move on you."

"You're that confident yet you haven't been in a relationship ever since I met you." 

"That's because I didn't meet anyone yet that I like. Believe me if I do, I'll do anything to make them mine." Sana looked down.

"You really don't have an eye on anyone?"

"Not really. I am feeling lonely though. It would be great if I met someone."

"No one you find attractive maybe?" Y/N questioned.

"Actually... there is someone I find attractive but I don't know what you'll think about me getting closer to her."

"Who is it?"

"Your roommate. I only saw her like three times but damn she's attractive. I even considered talking to her but then you and Nayeon unnie broke up and I didn't get the chance to see her again."

"Wait, wait. Which roommate? Dahyun or Tzuyu?"

"The tall one." Sana answered.

"No way... You got an eye on Tzuyu?" The cop smiled widely.

"I mean just looks wise, I never even talked to her so I don't know how her personality is but looks wise, she's totally my type."

"You know when you told me about you not knowing what to do in your life you actually reminded me of Tzuyu. You two are in the same situation. Both the daughters of a rich, powerful family that don't want to work in the same fields as their parents. You already have something in common."

"Is she single though?"

"She is. As long as I can remember." Y/N nodded. "She never really had a serious relationship."

"Is she into women? Because no way I'm going for a straight girl again." Sana shook her head harshly. 

"I think she is. She never really talked to us about it but I know she likes both men and women."

"Would you be okay with me making a move on her?"

"Of course. In fact I would be happy. I think you two would be good together. Do you want me to set you up with her?"

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