Chapter 6

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After spending the weekend with her family, Y/N went back to Seoul. Although her parents made some remarkable comments that day, they apologized afterwards and they had a great time for the rest of the weekend. Y/N actually doesn't blame her parents. They always wanted the best for her and they don't mind that Y/N is gay however they do mind that Y/N is gay in a society and country that is still not very accepting of gay people. 

They're worried for Y/N and she understands that. They're actually right that it's hard to be gay especially with her job. It has lots of risks to it. She just wishes her parents wouldn't share their concerns so harshly about this matter. 

Y/N and Mingyu went to further investigate the stolen drugs case with Minji and Minji's team leader. It turns out that the owner of the apartment was working for an unknown drug lord. The owner had to store all kinds of drugs in his apartment because the drug lord wanted to test his loyalty. After questioning the guy, this is the only thing that he told them. He claimed that he has no idea who stole the drugs.

"The ones who stole the drugs can't be ordinary people. I'm sure they're also related to a drug lord, I just can't guess wether it's the same drug lord or another." Mingyu stated as the four stood around the table with all kinds of files onto it discussing the case.

"If the guy did something wrong then there's a high chance that the drug lord just took his drugs back and left traces in order to get him arrested." Y/N guessed. They've seen a case like this before so it's possible. Whenever people betray the drug lords, they get exposed like this.

"Right now it seems like that's what happened. We dug into this guy's whereabouts and his past and looking at the previous similar cases, many things match so what Y/N is saying is probably what happened although we will have to investigate further." The team leader said.

"No. I don't think that's what happened." Minji spoke up. "There are drugs involved coming from two different drug lords." Minji arranged some pictures on the table that were taken of the scene. "This guy wasn't just working for one drug lord, he was working for two drug lords. Let's call them lord A and lord B. Both of the lords made this guy store their drugs in his apartment. However lord A found out that he was working for another lord and got furious. So he sent some of his men to take back his own drugs and steal some of the drugs of lord B. They purposely left the drugs provided by lord B so that we can only find their traces. Lord A wanted us to find these drugs because they're not his, they're someone elses. The drug lords are in a fight against each other."

"How are you so sure that there are two drug lords involved?" Y/N asked.

"The drugs that we found at the scene are the same kind we found at a previous case. It's the exact same amount and in the exact same bags. A drug lord wouldn't leave his drugs like this repeatedly because it will make it easier for the police to find them. The drug lords are in a fight. It's clear as ice that they're trying to bring each other down. I asked the owner what kind of drugs he was storing and in what kind of bags they were stored. He answered something completely different than what we found at the scene, however we did find a small amount of what he described in his jacket." Minji took out a small bag of cocaine and put it on the table. "These drugs and the ones found at the scene are different. I'm pretty sure that there are two drug lords, it's just I can't prove it yet."

 Y/N looked at Minji in admiration. Minji brings something to the table that no other cop in their department can. She sees the details and can think like a criminal. This is one of the reasons why Y/N fell in love with her. She's just extremely intelligent and people like that have always been attractive to her. Y/N just needs to remind herself that they have broken up and that she shouldn't feel like this anymore.

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