Chapter 16

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After the owner closed down the shop. Y/N told Mingyu to leave since she wants to check up on Nayeon. So he went back home and so did the owner. Nayeon didn't spare Y/N a glance and started walking away.

"Wait, Nayeon-ssi!" Y/N yelled and blocked her by standing in front of her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Nayeon said looking away.

"Your lip is bleeding. Let me take care of it." Y/N was about to touch it but Nayeon pushed her hand away.

"Leave me alone! You caused me enough trouble." 

"Trouble? I literally saved you just now, what trouble are you talking about?" 

"No one asked you to save me! Just why were you even here in the first place? Didn't I tell you to stop showing up? I was going to handle it. You really want to play the hero every single time, don't you?" Nayeon started yelling.

"Whoever was in that situation, I would have intervened. I'm a cop for God's sake, it's my job."

"Yeah right." Nayeon rolled her eyes. "You were literally waiting for this situation to happen so you could come and play my hero. But guess what? You're not my hero or my saviour. In fact you're nothing to me."

"I'm not trying to be your saviour." Y/N sighed. "Just tell me that you'll give your testimony and I'll leave."

"I won't." The older woman answered. "So just give up and close the case."

"Why? You literally got assaulted, I saw it with my own eyes and God knows what he would have done to you if I didn't show up and you will just let him get away with that?"

"You think I don't want him to get punished? Of course I do!" Nayeon yelled.

"Then what's the problem?!" Y/N also yelled not understanding this at all.

"The problem is me! Okay? It's me! Whatever happens, in this freakin society, it's always the women's fault! If this news comes out, I bet people will say that I did something to anger him or to make his hormones start working and no one will blame him but me just like how my boss does! It's always like that! And you know what? I can't even tell him that he's fucking wrong, that I didn't do anything except for protecting myself but I can't and do you know why? Because I'm fucking pathetic!" The older woman yelled and suddenly pushed Y/N by her shoulders.

"I'm so fucking pathetic that I work a job that everyone looks down on and can't even stand up for myself because I'm scared that I will lose my job. You have it all good. You're a female cop, people look up to you. People are scared of you. But me? The only thing people do is walk over me and look down on me because I'm poor and have a useless job. I have to keep quiet if I don't want to end up on the streets." Nayeon suddenly got down on her knees and started crying heavily. "I have to let people walk over me because I'm fucking pathetic."

Y/N's heart broke seeing Nayeon like this. It's clear as ice right now that Nayeon is dealing with a lot in her life. Y/N doesn't know what Nayeon goes through but she can tell that it's a lot.

"So what? You're going to let people walk over you your entire life because of your job and financial situation? Does your job and financial situation really define who you are? As long as you're confident and stand up for yourself no one will dare to walk over you."  

"And I know." Y/N simply stated not looking at the crying woman on her knees. "I've dealt with cases like these before. About a year ago a woman got raped by her neighbour and the man's family said that it's the woman's fault because she kept wearing short skirts and it provoked him. A couple of months ago, a husband abused his wife and the witnesses blamed the woman saying that she talked back to him and deserved to get hit. I know that society is cruel to women but will you really let him get away with this? Men like this usually get away with it because women are scared to speak up or they're not strong enough to speak up. But you? You're not any of that." 

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