Chapter 26

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After hanging out with Nayeon and Minsu, Y/N headed back home. When she got home, Tzuyu and Dahyun were watching tv in the living room so she joined them.

"Why do you look so happy?" Dahyun asked.

"No reason just had a good day."

"I'm guessing you were with Nayeon right?" Tzuyu questioned as Y/N sat down next to her.

"Yeah I was." Y/N smiled.

"What is the deal with you two? Are you guys in a relationship now?" 

"No... I mean none of us asked to become girlfriends." Y/N explained.

"Don't you want her to be your girlfriend?"Dahyun asked.

"I do. I would love for her to be my girlfriend."

"Then why don't you ask her?"

"Because it might be too soon. You know how she hated me at first and you know what the police did to her family. I know that she likes me but there is a possibility that she'll reject me because of my job. I'd rather just continue like this than losing her." Y/N looked down.

"You guys act like a couple though. I mean you are already like girlfriends you're just missing the label. Do you think she'll really say no if you ask her?" Tzuyu asked.

"I don't know." The cop sighed. "The other day we were almost about to do it but... she stopped me and told me that she wasn't ready yet. It might be the same for a relationship."

"So you'll just continue like this? This is not the Y/N I know." Dahyun informed. Y/N is not the type to do these stuff without being official.

"I know but I will wait for her until she's ready. If I have the feeling that she is, then I'll ask her." Dahyun and Tzuyu just nodded upon hearing that.


As for Nayeon when she came back home, she sat down next to her dad who was watching tv in the living room.

"Where have you been? Were you with Y/N?" The man assumed since Nayeon doesn't really have anyone else to hang out with.

"Yeah and Minsu. We went to karaoke and dinner."

"Was it fun?"

"Yeah, it was." Nayeon smiled.

"So... what's the deal with Y/N? Are you guys official now?"

"No... not yet."

"Why not? She didn't ask you to be her girlfriend?" The man furrowed his eyebrows.

"No... We totally act like a couple but she hasn't asked me. Probably because of how our situation is. I literally hated her until not so long ago."

"Yeah that makes sense, if I were here I would be hesitant about it too. Why don't you ask it then? Don't you want her to be your girlfriend?"

"I do but... I don't know I'm scared. I'm scared I will get hurt and after all she's still a cop. I'm scared that she'll disappoint me. What if she turns out to be like the other cops anyways?"

"Nayeon-ah... We talked already about this didn't we. You can't know what she's like and whether or not she'll disappoint you. You just need to let it flow. Stop thinking about the possibilities and do what you want to do. Do you want her to be your girlfriend? Then just ask her. I'm sure she won't reject you."

"You're right, I should stop overthinking shouldn't I?" Nayeon chuckled. This motivated Nayeon to ask Y/N to be her girlfriend but deep down she's actually hoping for Y/N to be the first one to ask. Nayeon has never asked someone to be her girlfriend or boyfriend so she's totally new to this. 

Different World // Nayeon X readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz