Chapter 22

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Both Christmas and New Years have passed and Nayeon can't help but think how fun it would have been to spend the holidays with Y/N. She keeps looking around the store and her appartment building to find Y/N, but of course Y/N is nowhere to be seen. She regrets what she did and she's starting to think whether she should go to Y/N and apologize to her.  

She knows everything she said was wrong and that she hurt Y/N. She wants to go to her and tell her she's sorry but again something is holding her back. Y/N won't just forgive her if she apologizes. She will have to tell her why she actually acted like that and in all honesty she doesn't know if she's ready to tell Y/N about her story because once she does that'll mean that she trusts Y/N and Y/N will know her weak spot.

"What are you thinking about?" Mr. Im asked his daughter while they were having dinner.

"I'm thinking if I should go to Y/N."

"Oh, what changed your mind?"

"I miss her." Nayeon admitted as she looked down.

"You will go to her and then what? I hope you'll apologize."

"That's what I want to do but... I don't know how. What if she doesn't forgive me? What if she will ask me to leave? That will be too hard on me."

"I don't think she'll do that. I'm sure she'll hear you out." Her father stated.

"You know she kept telling me that she knows there's a reason why I hate the police so much and she kept telling me that she'll stay around until she finds out so she can help me."

"I guess that's what's worrying you right? You want to share your story with her but you're scared."

"Yeah... I've never told anyone about this before and I don't know if I'm ready to talk to someone about it but I know that if I want her to forgive me, I will have to share this with her. I can't just apologize and hide the reason why I acted like this because then my apology will hold no value." Nayeon explained.

"Do you think she's the right person to tell this to?"

"I don't know... I do think she will understand me but still I'm a bit scared of what her reaction will be. What if she tells me that the police did the right thing back then? What if she just laughs at me and tells me that I'm exaggerating? I don't think I will be able to handle that." If Y/N reacts that way then that will make Nayeon hate the police only more.

"There's only one way to find out, Nayeon-ah and that's by telling her. Her reaction will show you whether you want her in your life or not. That will determine whether you think she's a good person or not. So I think you should just tell her. I think you need to hear the opinion of a police officer now so you can maybe let go of what happened back then."

"I think you're right but how will I even do this? You know I'm not good at apologizing or sharing things about myself or my life. I don't even have any friends." 

"Just let your heart speak for you. Go to her, start the conversation lightly, ask her to hear you out and tell her you'll explain your behavior towards her. And just explain your feelings. I have a feeling she'll hear you out."

"I will try to do that tomorrow." She can't wait any longer anymore. Tomorrow is her day off so she'll use that to go to Y/N.

"Good luck." Mr. Im smiled. 

After dinner Nayeon went to her room and rehearsed in her head what she will tell Y/N and how she will approach her. She's actually very nervous. How will she even approach her? And then Nayeon remembered that she still has Y/N's scarf. On their date to the Christmas fair, Y/N gave her scarf to Nayeon because she was cold but Nayeon never returned it.

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