Chapter 34

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Y/N is working at the station right now and she feels very embarrassed because of what happened with Nayeon and her girlfriend. She isn't sure how much her colleagues heard but most of them did witness the scene. According to Jihyo and Mingyu no one heard that Nayeon is Y/N's girlfriend but they do know Nayeon has ties to Y/N. Apparently Y/N has been the talk of the station since it all happened.

All her colleagues are wondering why a good-behaved woman like Y/N is involved with someone like Nayeon and her mother.

"Y/N-ah, Minji sunbaenim asked if you could go to her office for a bit." Jihyo informed.

"Ah yes, I will go right now." Y/N already knows what this is about. She's going to get scolded and she's so not ready for it. 

Y/N walked to Minji's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A voice yelled from inside. Y/N opened the door and smiled weakly before entering.

"I heard you wanted to see me."

"Yeah, I did. Sit down." Minji showed the seat on the left in front of her with her hand.

"You probably already know what this is about so I'm not going to take long. The other day your girlfriend and her mother caused a scene at the station. Now people that come here cause a scene most of the time so it's nothing that we're not used to but this time one of our cops is involved so that makes it different. Everyone at the station is talking about it because they know you're involved. I overheard your name quite a lot in the past two days and you know we're not a station that tolerates gossip, especially me. I wish you had stopped them or had taken action immediately when you saw where it was going."

"I know, I'm sorry. You're right. I am really embarrassed and I promise it won't happen again." Y/N looked down. She's really not used to hear Minji speak to her with a tone like this.

"It better not happen again. You did take it to the parking lot but there it just got worse and even abuse occurred. Kangmin sunbaenim wanted to talk to you but I know he will be harsh so I told him that I will talk to you."

"Thank you." Y/N mumbled. Minji is right. Kangmin is a nice person but when you do something wrong he can be quite hurtful.

"You're a good cop, Y/N. You always handle situations like these very well but now that people you know were involved you probably didn't know what to do which I can understand. But even if the closest person to you is involved, you need to stay professional and act as you would normally do. If you had acted as you always would then no one would have even noticed that you know these people."

"You're right. I wish I handled it differently. For the first time ever in my career, I just froze and didn't know what to do." The younger woman admitted.

"You're still young and you haven't been a cop for that long so it's natural that you make mistakes. But as your senior and this department's leader it's my job to show you the right thing to do and to teach you the right ways."

"I'm really thankful for that, you know that. You have guided me since the very beginning and the reason I became a good cop is because of you." Y/N looked at her.

"Yeah, I'm the one that taught you everything so please show me that I did a good job teaching you."

"I will. I won't disappoint you again."

"I believe you won't. You can leave now." Minji smiled weakly to which Y/N stood up and bowed. Right when she was about to exit the room, Minji spoke up again.

"I know I just scolded you but if you ever struggle with something, know that you can always talk to me. At work I'm your senior so I need to say all these things to teach you a lesson but outside of work I'm your friend. Talk to me after work if you have to."

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