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After Mrs Grace takes Kayla to her office, all the confidence I felt talking back to Kayla has completely vanished into thin air.

The whispers start up again and I feel as anxious as I was before.

"I don't feel so great. I'm gonna go to the nurse's office" I lie.

"Are you sure? I can go with you" Amelia says.

"No, I'm sure"

I start to head to the nurse's office, even though nothing is wrong with me.

I knock twice before opening the door.

"Nurse Kate" I call.

"Prada. How are you?" I see the pity in her eyes and it almost makes me want to cry again.

"I'm... not good. Can I- can I take a nap here?"

"Of course you can"

I mumble a thank you and I lay on the surprisingly comfortable bed and drift off to sleep.


I wake up in the unfamiliar clinic and I sigh.

"Oh good, you're awake. I thought you were going to have to miss another class" nurse Kate says.

"How long have I been asleep for?"

"An hour and a half"

"Only? I thought I had slept the whole school day"

"You should get back to your classes. I don't want you missing anymore"

I drag myself out of the bed.


Once I get outside, I walk sluggishly down the hall, trying to savor the quiet.

But the quiet doesn't last long. The hallway is more jam-packed than it usually is.

And people are laughing.

I already know it's about me.

The mean laughter starts becoming louder and more sinister.

That's when I start to notice the posters in their hands, the walls and on the floor.

I dare to pick one up and the tears push through again.

I stand frozen I'm my spot being laughed at by the people who claimed to like me.

Amelia and Jamal push their way through the crowd.

"It's okay, it's okay. Let's get out of here" Amelia says and Jamal tries to get people to back away.

She starts to leads me out of the crowd only for us to bump right into Jay.

"What's going on" he asks.

"Move out of the way" Amelia says as she tries to push past him.

"Amelia what is going on!"

"See for yourself" she shoves one of the posters in his hand and leads me out.

"See for yourself" she shoves one of the posters in his hand and leads me out

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