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"I really hate when you drag me to watch your boyfriend practice. Like there are so many other things I could be doing right now, but I'm here watching sweaty guys chase a ball" I complain.

"Get over it. And besides 'we' have to show our support for him" she counters.

"If what to show support, join the cheer squad"

"If you do it I'll do it"

The coach blows the whistle and they stop for a water break.

Amelia literally leaps from her seat and runs to the field to meet Jamal.

And Kayla, who if you didn't know was siting right above us, also leaps from her seat, hitting me in the process.

"Stupid bitch" I mutter.

She runs over to the field to meet Jay. Her skirt extra short today.

I debate leaving but I know that Amelia will literally kill me, so I stay put.

There are 5 groups of people here.

There are the actual athletes,

The cheerleaders,

The girlfriends of the athletes that run over to meet them any chance they get,

The shameless girls that swoon over said athletes,

And me. The awkward one who sits there like a pile of nothing.

I decide not to be the awkward one, so I pull out my notebook and pencil.

I look around for some inspiration.

I look at the swooning, boy crazy girls and I get an idea.

I always have ideas, so I put them down.

Ideas as in story ideas. Weaving stories that shape reality, is kind of my think.

I'm usually in my head. Reality is boring, fantasy is way better.

I write down my idea only to be distributed by a certain soccer player.

"Whatcha writing blondie?" He says as he sits right next to me.

I shut the book and shove it in my bag.


"You are a bad liar. Ironic isn't it?" he says with a smirk.

"That's not funny"

"Oh but it is" he laughs.

"Go back to where you came from Jay, leave me alone" I snap.

"You get irritated so quickly"

"I do? I never noticed. Now leave" I say firmly.

He gives me an irritated look of his own and then he leaves.

"Was I to harsh?" I ask myself.

Great now I feel bad. I hate this feeling.

But I quickly shrug it off, and I continue writing.

"What did you say to him?" Amelia asks confused.

"Nothing" I say as we focus our attention back to the game.


I get annoyed.

Who the hell is having sex in library.

It's night and the library is quiet, so I have been graced with the opportunity to to hear every single moan.

I try to ignore it, but they seem to just get louder and louder.

"That's it" I say as I pack my things, and follow the sex sounds.

I turn on my phone's flashlight and I see Jay and Kayla, making out by the encyclopedias.

Thankfully, fully clothed.

"The library is not a bedroom. Get out"

"Ugh. Why is it always you?" Kayla groans.

"Funny, I ask myself the same question whenever you cross my path, now like I said before, get out" I say.

"Fuck off Prada"

"Fine, I'll lock your saggy ass here then"

"You st-" she comes closer to me, but Jay stops her.

"We'll be leaving now" he says as he drags her out.

"That was fun" I say to myself.

I lock up the library and I see Kayla and Jay arguing in the distance. I giggle at their the sight, and I begin my walk to the hostels.

You just love interrupting my makeouts don't you


I derive a special joy whenever I do


"Who are you texting? Why are you smiling? Let me see" Amelia says immediately I enter the room.

I quickly turn off my phone.

"No one. What are you even doing  in my room"

"I missed you" she says as she traps me in a bear hug.

"I missed you too" I say joining her melodramatics.

"Will you tell me who you were texting now" she pouts.


A/N: *gasp* Prada was smiling at Jay's text!!!
Yes I am fangirling over my own characters 🤭
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