24~Change the subject

16 6 3

Now that I am self aware of my new found feelings towards Jay, that's all I seem to think about.

He consumes my thoughts and I hate it.

Being that hopeless romantic that falls head over heels for someone who will never notice her is not who I want to be.

I mean yeah I want that heart warming love story from my romance novels, but that's where reality comes in. It will never happen.

It's sad really, but it's true. Jay and I are just too different.

The only thing that relates Jay and I, is the fact that he knows I'm a bloody liar.

I sometimes wish I didn't like him. I try to convince myself that I don't. If I do, I'm just setting myself up for disaster.

"Are you even listening to me?" Amelia asks snapping me out of my thoughts. We are on the bleachers watching the boys practice.


"I asked if you could give me any recommendations on nice stores in Vietnam"

I use all my will power not to roll my eyes.

I don't want to have to lie to everyone, and more importantly, I don't want to have to lie to Amelia.

She's my best friend, she deserves to know.

"Amelia, I have to tell you something"

She looks at me seriously and my heart starts to beat way faster.

Cue the nervous fiddling.

"What is it? You can tell me" she says.


You can do it.

Just tell her.

She won't judge you.

"I- uh..."

"Prada don't be afraid, you can tell me anything" she assures.

My heart is beating dangerously fast, and I feel like I can't breath.

"I like Jay" I say quickly.

Smooth Prada.

"Oh my God really!?!?!" She yells.

I know this diversion will come back to bite me in the ass.

"Yes" I say with a faint blush spreading on my cheeks. It's for the best. At least I told her about this.

"It was blatantly obvious, but I wanted to hear you say it" she says.

"No it was not obvious" I defend. I show no emotion.

"It was. Aww this is so cute, are you guys going to start dating"

"No. I'm not even entirely sure I like him like that" I say.

"Don't let me hit you with my bag. Of course you do, now stop fooling yourself"

"Even still, Jay would never date me"

"Why do you say that?" She asks.

"Because he doesn't date. And he doesn't like me"

"Is that what he said?"


"Then you have a chance. Besides, no one can resist your nerdy charm"

"First I'm not a nerd. Second, I have no chances. Even if I did, Kayla and her skank ass won't let me. Incase you haven't noticed, she is obsessed with Jay, and when he doesn't give her attention she is an even worse bitch than she usually is. And if she tries me, I'm pretty sure I'll get deported or put in British jail because of what I'll do to her"

"Forget her" Amelia suggests.

"It's pretty hard to, she everywhere"

Like right there trying to talk to Jay.


"Calm down before you burst. Your boyfriend is coming this way" Amelia teases.

I roll my eyes as Jay and Jamal join us on the bleachers.

"I really cannot wait for this season to be over, cuz what is this suffering?!" Jamal complains.

"It's the price you have to pay as a soccer jockie"

"Football!" They correct.

"Cut me some slack! I already say hostels instead of dorms and I say holiday instead of vacation. And I still don't understand the whole biscuits and scones thing. Of course I'll be confused. My spelling is a complete mess. Give me a break"

"Tough. It's football" Jay retorts and I roll my eyes.

Jamal and Amelia start their own conversation and Jay starts to braid my hair.

"Why are you doing it so well?" I ask pleasantly surprised.

"Jazz insisted I learn on her dolls"

"Jazz is the most beautiful 12 year old I've ever seen in my entire life. I sure didn't look like that when I was 12"

"Yeah, I'm sure you looked horrendous" I hit him playfully.

"You didn't let me finish. I'm sure you looked horrendous but you've grown into your looks" he says with a stupid grin.

"Stupid" I say.

"Speaking about Jazz, Saturday is her birthday, and she begged me to ask the very beautiful Prada to come. Her words not mine" he declares.

"Sure I'll come"

"She likes you way to much, it's become annoying. She's having an actual party by like 5, but that's with her friends from school and she begged yet again for none of her amazing brothers to be there, because she thinks we'll 'make a scene'. Can you believe her?"

"Yes, completely"

"Whatever. Because she thinks we're so embarrassing, she decided to have us around until 5. When it's time she's kicking us out"

"Tell her I can't wait to come. Ouu! I already have the perfect gift for her"

"Since you are coming to my house, you are going to see my brothers in their prime. Prepare to be uncomfortable" he warns.

"I think I can handle myself"

"And you get to meet my mum and dad" he says.

"I can't wait" I say excitedly.

I look down at the braids he did and I'm impressed.

"Jay, remember we have to head to Greg's" Jamal says and Jay gets up.

"I have to go. I'll see you later blondie"

"Bye" I say, sad that he has to go.

I watch him leave and I feel all the warmth I had before go with him.

"Earth to Prada" Amelia calls.

I turn to her and she's smiling.

"Let's go weirdo" she says.

"Who are you calling weirdo?"

A/N: Next chapter is Jazz's birthday 🤸🏽‍♀️
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