23~Admit it

14 6 11

Everywhere I go, he's there.

At biology...

He's there.

On the hallway...

He's there.

In the girls bathroom...

Yes the girls bathroom. I am still very unfortunate to be interrupting his bi-daily make outs.

He's there.

My initial plan was to distance myself from him and his bad energy, but it has become literally impossible to avoid him.

He's everywhere.

At this point I can feel his presence even before he walks into a room.

Now whenever I go anywhere, I have to be quick before he shows up.

Which is exactly what I'm doing right now. I am basically sprinting through the halls, trying to avoid a certain green eyed slut.

But I stop in my tracks when a familiar feeling washes over me. It feels as if the entire school became 4 times warmer.

My blue eyes meet his, and he is doing that magnetic gaze thing again. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion and I do what I have been doing the past few days.


Not like actual running!

No that will be weird.

I not so casually turn away and leave.

The opposite way.

Now I'll have to walk round the school to get to the library, just because I want to avoid Jay.

It's for the best.

I guess.


By the time I get to the library, I have already broken way more than a sweat.

I sit down to catch my breath and after a while I start reading my book.

And because I was so invested in what I was reading my stupid ass didn't notice the temperature shift in the library.

I look up to see Jay looking down at me in confusion.

"What did I do now?" He asks.

"Huh?" I squeak.

"I may have not been the nicest person to you and yeah I tease you to no end, but I don't exactly understand what I did this time to make you avoid me"

Why was I avoiding him?

He didn't say anything stupid or inappropriate.

Nor did he make me angry or upset.

I don't understand myself. Deep down I know why I'm doing it, but my own stubbornness will not allow me to tell myself the truth.

But how can I?

This has never happened to me before. I would have never cared a few months ago, so why now?

"I'm not avoiding you?"

"You literally ran away when I saw you in the hallway only 20 minutes ago"

I did not run!

He's angry, but not fuming.

Upset, but not like he's gonna cry.

"Is it because of the virgin thing? I'm sorry. You didn't seem mad at the party" he apologizes.

"No I'm not mad about that. I'm not mad at you at all"

"Then why are you avoiding me?"

Because I like you!

"Because I've been having a bad couple of days that's all" I lie.

Fine! Yes, I like Jay.

There, I said it, you happy?

I was avoiding Jay because I don't understand my feelings. The old Prada would never in a million years even talk to Jay willingly, now here I go liking him.


He is a fuck boy, who 'talks' to 99% of girls in this school.

I don't want to constantly make myself angry or jealous, watching him flirt with them wishing it was me.

I'd rather not do that to myself.



"What happened?" He asks.

"I've just been very stressed about school and exams, everything is just stressing me out, and I've been procrastinating a lot and now I haven't gotten any work done" I say.

"Prada you're lying" he says and I am shocked.

Like actually shocked. Not the best horn to toot, but I lie smooth.

"No I'm not"

"Stop lying, yes you are" he argues.

"I'm not!"

"Whatever. At least you're talking to me now. I've missed you blondie" he says with a boyish grin.

"Aww really" I gush.

"Yeah, I had no one to sassily call me out on my shit"

"Oh that's something I've missed" I tease.

His smile is so mesmerizing, it just makes me smile back. I feel like I could melt into a....

Eww, the fuck??

This is why I don't do crushes.

A/N: finally!!!
Sorry for the late update😭
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