28~Seasonal depression

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There's no obnoxious laughter...

No gossiping girls...

No sex sounds, no loud chatter, no arguing...

Just silence.

The entire school is ghost quiet, as it usually is when everyone leaves for the holidays.

Everyone is gone for winter break, and I'm stuck here as always, wallowing in self pity in my depression room.

I sigh as I stare at the same squirrel that has been running around outside, from my window.

Seasonal depression is not for the weak.

I hate being here all alone.

I decide to help myself by taking a walk around school.

But even the walk made me feel more depressed than I should.

I sit on a bench in the courtyard and I bury my face in my hands.

I can't help the tears that follow. I hate being alone, but that's all I ever am...


"Prada" I shudder at the husky voice that calls my name.

My bloodshot eyes meet his and I internally cringe at myself for letting Jay see me looking like a mess.

I haven't brushed my hair in 3 days so I put it in a very messy bun,

I'm wearing my dirty pyjama pants and a random hoodie,

My face is blotchy and tear stained,

My nose is running,

and I haven't eaten since yesterday morning.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I figured you'd be alone, so I wanted to keep you company. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine"

He comes closer and I start to feel the drums in my heart pick up the pace.

"Have you eaten?"


"Prada" he calls me out. Surprisingly, he's the only one that can tell  when I'm lying, and I hate it.

"Fine, I haven't eaten"


"I'm not hungry"

He whips out his phone and starts placing an order.

"I'm not hungry Jay"

He shoots me a nasty glare that shuts me up. His intentions are good, I guess.

I start to get shaky and I try my best to stop my anxious shaking so as not to attract attention, but all my effort is in vain.

I don't know if I'm shaking because of the anxiety or because it's freezing and I decided to be evil to myself and come out in only a hoodie and pyjama pants.

"Are you okay?" The concern in his eyes are so evident I could cry.

"I'm fine, it's fine" he takes my hands and hisses.

"Your hands are ice cold. And you're so pale"

He doesn't know that him holding my hand is igniting a fire in me that is so hot I could pull away.

He takes off his coat and drapes it over my shoulders and leads me into the dinning hall.

Colour is immediately brought back to my pale face after breathing in his citrusy scent.

He pulls out a chair for me to sit down and a few moments later, a delivery boy brings the food.

"I ordered Chinese food. Please eat it. I don't like seeing you like this" the concern in his eyes is so evident I could cry.

That's all the motivation I need. I pick up a spring roll and take medium bites.

He watches me eat and I try to avoid his gaze.


"Thank you for coming" I mutter.

"I should have come earlier. It didn't cross my mind that you would still be in school. And when I realized I rushed over. I'm sorry" he apologizes.

A small smile begins to form on my face.

"It's okay"

After a few more spring rolls, he speaks up again.

"So this is what it's like for you? You have to stay in this school all by yourself"

"It's not like I have anywhere else to go" I point out.

"You should have at least told me, so I'd keep you company" every word he says makes me like him more.

My response is hitched in my throat when I look up at him.

His emerald eyes carry an emotion I cannot explain. It makes me want to cower in fear and stay with him forever at the same time.

A hot tear rolls down my cheeks and I start sobbing almost instantly.

I don't know why I do. I've been crying like this for the past week now.

I guess it's because I just really hate being alone.

"Prada please stop crying. It's okay" seeing him trying to get me to stop crying makes me smile.

I don't think I'm okay.

After I calm down, I take another spring roll.

"You could always come to my house if you don't want to stay here" he offers.

"I can't do that"


"It's intrusive"

"No it's not. I'm the one asking you to come" he insists.

"Besides, it's obvious you staying here by yourself is taking a toll on your mental health"

I consider his offer and I weigh the pros and cons.



I guess I'm spending Christmas with the Felix's.

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating, I'm trying to graduate😭😭
Next chapter coming soon.

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