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The thing about Jay is, sometimes he can be a pretty okay person

He is so funny and arrogant that you can't help but laugh when he's around.

But other times, I wish I never met him. He's just so insensitive and annoying, so much so that I ask myself why I became friends with him in the first place.

One of those times being right now.

I stare at his cold eyes as he stares at me in disgust.

I thought we were over the whole disgusted looks?!!?!

Jay and Kayla are literally making out in the romance section of the library, which Jay knows is my section.

I ask them to leave, and the bitch opens her mouth to speak.

"Get out Prada" Kayla says. I swear I will slap this girl.

"As much as I would love to, and not have to look at you, you're in my section, so leave"

"Prada I don't understand what you're still doing here. Will you get the fuck out already!" Jay says.

He really just said that to me in front of Kayla knowing fully well that I hate Kayla with everything in me.

Knowing fully well that we are supposed to be friends.

I storm out of the library, giving them both a nasty glare before I leave.

And just because I can, I lock the library doors.

I'm sure Jay can climb his way out.

Now I'm going to have to personally disinfect the entire section.

"Woah Prada, are you okay?" Jamal asks.

I'm practically fuming at this point.


"Sorry about that. Do you by any chance know where Jay is? He was supposed to meet me here" he asks.

"Don't hold your breath. He's busy with a ditzy Jamaican girl"

"Typical. So what's got you all angry? Jealous of the sight?" He teases.

"Say anymore stupid shit, and I will break your leg so bad that you will never be able to play soccer ever again" I threaten.

"Sorry" he gulps.

"No I'm not jealous. I just hate her a lot" I sigh.

"Yeah, Kayla is kind of a bitch"

"Kind of?" I counter.

He laughs and I find myself laughing too. Jamal is just so chill, why isn't that rubbing off on Jay?

"Tell Amelia I say hi"

"Tell her yourself. Tomorrow" I say as I hear to the hostels.


"You know, I personally think you and Jay should be more than friends" Amelia babbles.

"We're not friends"

"What! But last week-"

"That was last week. Now we aren't. Can we not talk about Jay please" I say.

"I guess"

"Thanks. Now I have to get to biology. I'll see you later" I wave her goodbye, and then it hit me.

I have biology with Jay. And he's my seat mate.


I've never been a fan of skipping class, but I don't mind right now.

I suck it up and I walk into the class and I completely avoid Jay's gaze.

I sit down and I can feel his eyes on me.

Mrs Bernice starts talking and I try, I try my hardest to fall asleep, after all my effort, I don't even get a wink of sleep.

Then I try to concentrate on what she's saying, but I can't assimilate anything that she says, because of Mr green eyes staring at me.

"Look Prada, I just-" I don't allow him to finish, I give him a side eye and he shuts up.

After a while he starts up again.

"Prada I'm sorry, I was just not in a good mood yesterday"

"Shut up Jay"




"Shut up" I say, and that grabs Mrs Bernice's attention.

"Prada, since you love to talk while I'm trying to teach this class, maybe you don't mind talking in detention" she says firmly.

Are you kidding me. I didn't do anything.

"I was the one that was talking to her" Jay says.

"Cute. I guess you two would have plenty of time to chat in detention" she hisses as she turns to face the board.

Great. Now I have to spend detention with Jay. What did I do to deserve this?

It'll be 2 hours of my life I'll never get back.

Can't wait.


I get to the detention class and it's empty. I sit by the window and I look at the trees.

I'd rather be alone than with Jay.

And just as I think those 7 words, Jay casually strolls in.

Guess I spoke too soon. He goes to the seat in front of me and turns the chair to face me.

"I'm sorry" he starts and I roll my eyes.

"You decide to fuck Kayla in the section of the library that I usually stay. The library is fucking huge. You couldn't go anywhere else. Did you do it just to spite me. And worst of all you told me to get out, in front of Kayla might I add"

"I was in a bad mood" he defends.

"Not bad enough to squeeze in a quick fuck" I spit.

"I'm sorry. We're friends remember" He says.

"You know, we are such great friends when it's just us. But when anyone else is around, especially Kayla, we aren't that great of friends"

"That's not true"

"Yes it is"

Arguing with Jay is tiring.

"Prada, I'm sorry"

"You love apologizing don't you" I say.

"Prada! I'm sorry" he says. He doesn't look like he's joking or teasing. He actually looks sorry.

"Fine. But if you ever embarrass me like that, I swear you will be sorry"

"I will never ever, think of doing that ever" he says.

"Good. I forgive you" I say.

"Yay!" He says jumping up and down.

"You are a child" I add.

"Only for you blondie" he winks. And weirdly enough, I feel 10 times happier now that we're friends again.

A/N: This chapter took me the entire day to write, and I am happy it's over and done with.
I was cringing at everything I wrote so I kept deleting it. And I'm starting to hate how I wrote this chapter low key.
And this wasn't how this chapter was supposed to go at all🙄
But I guess I'll save it for the next.
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