dragons and luner

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A/n (hey guys! I just want to say that it might be a while until I update on this story again because if you don't know, I basically have 10 stories that I'm focusing on and that can be hard. If you don't know, this month will be me focusing on my Yugioh stories. So if you want to keep reading my yugioh stories, you should read "the chaos within me" and "the future Ai" as those will be the main focus this month. Those have drama as well if you're into that. So go check those stories out and I will see you later.)

It was the next day after what had happened between Selen and pomu when they had their duel. Only for that duel to lead to them fighting with their actually fist and selen leaving after their fight. The reason why they fight was because Seeln wanted to find information about (y/n) from Elira but then Pomu stopped her from getting which just made Selen more angeryer then she is already. Though Elira and Pomu didn't know why she wanted information about (y/n), that didn't change the fact that she obviously wanted to hurt (y/n) which Elira wasn't going to let happen. So she had basically got Pomu to become his guard dog until they knew that he's safe from Selen.

Though there were 3 other people that wanted to know why Selen wanted information about (y/n) and her history with him. Those 3 being Serena, Amelia, and Gura. Amelia and Gura were given a mission from Selen to find information about (y/n) for unknown reasons but they tried anyways only to fail the mission. So after their failure, Amelia tried to get information on (y/n) another way by going through his duel log history to find some very personal information and information that made them even have more questions about (y/n) and his possibly connection with Selen.

But the one who wanted to know (y/n) the most right now was seemingly Serena. The tough, mean headed, determined girl from duel academy. Amelia and Gura didn't know why she wanted to know about (y/n) but that didn't matter to them that much since they too wanted to know about (y/n) as Amelia dreamed to become a detective and as one. She couldn't leave a mystery unsolved, so she was determined to find information on (y/n)'s secret past and get to the bottom of it.

Right now, Amelia, gura, and Serena were entering duel academy to start their day like always. Amelia and Gura walked to the entrance as gura talked about strange things like she always does.

Gura: have you ever lactated before?

She asked Amelia with full confidence as if she didn't ask a completely inappropriate question.

Amelia: What the!? What kind of question is that?! The hell is wrong with you!?

She screamed at Gura for asking that question literally in public. If they weren't in public right now, she would beat the shit out of Gura right now with no regret. But before she could do anything else, Serena walked up behind them so she could ask them a question.

Serena: hey.

She said as she walked up to the both of them. As she approached the both of them, Gura thought she could ask Serena the same question she asked Amelia.

Gura: Hey Serena, have you ever lactated before?

The second she had asked that question, Serena immediately punched her in the head as hard as she could. Leaving a bruise on Gura's head as she kneeled to the ground as she shed small tears out of her eye from the pain.

Amelia: ah sorry about her, she's just—well she's just an idiot.

She said with a nervous voice as she looked at Serena's face which now looked angry from the question Gura had asked.

Serena: Well she better not ask that again or I'm going to kick her ass even harder.

She said with a serious voice which frightened Amelia. She had heard Serena wasn't the type of girl you wanted to fuck around. Especially since Amelia had heard that she's well known for kicking a lot of people's asses like there wasn't no tomorrow. Especially when Amelia had heard that she tends to get into a lot of fights with other students on a daily basis, and she has always been the winner in those fights.

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