detective work

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Selen was just in her room, minding her business wondering about yesterday from her talk with Pomu, well small talk really but also not. But whatever, what matters is that Selen was remembering what Pomu had told her on the call about her frustrations about some guy possibly cock blocking her which she didn't care about at all, that was until she had said name that she thought she would never hear ever again.

(y/n) (l/n), nickname.


That was a name she once knew all too well. Maybe a bit too well, they were friends once. But just like every other friendship she was in, she found a way to somehow screw it up by being a dick. This wouldn't be surprising to some people, obviously but this one was different for reasons she didn't want to talk about.

But if you want a bit of an answer of what they're relationship was like, all she could say is that she knew more about (y/n) then his parents did.

Which can be sad when you think about it but that wasn't important, what was important was that if anyone would consider an actual friend to Selen, it would have been (y/n) but she found a way to ruin it like everything else.

But unlike every other relationship she ruined, this was more of a shit show then anything else. Like the boat was on fire, the lifeboat was also on fire, and the water was on fire. everything else was on fire including the sky. That the type of a shit show was her and (y/n) relationship was.

It didn't help that (y/n) then later on moved away to a different town for unknown reason, like he just left one day with no explanations, she was told that he moved away, probably because of her. He wouldn't be the first.

But ever since that day, she just forgot about the guy, she didn't want to be associated with the guy either so when she grew up and went to duel academy, she just completely forgot he existed in her world.

That was until yesterday when Pomu reminded her that he existed, telling her how he was cock blocking her and all that Ntr stuff. But that wasn't important was that, (y/n) was back in her world and she didn't know what to do about it at all. From what Pomu told her, (y/n) just showed up at their school and then joined their lame dueling school for whatever reasons but Selen could tell what the reason could be since she knew the guy before anyone else did. But it had been awhile since she even thought about the guy but despite that, when Pomu said his name, it was like she was hit with nostalgia out of nowhere and not the good kind.

But she had her suspicions.

Or more like she was in denial that (y/n) was back in town for some reason. Why would someone leave a town and then come back to it a few years later. It didn't make sense to her especially for (y/n). Like she thought, she was never told why he moved out of town but it still didn't make sense to move back to town either way. Why would she care about this when it is obvious she doesn't care about anyone else but herself, well for reason she didn't want to say, it's just that (y/n) had better connections to her than anyone else in the world.

But who knows, maybe this was a different (y/n) who was also called Zarc and not the same (y/n) that she knew in her past. There are billions of people in the world so you never know when someone is born with the same name and last name who has the same nickname as someone else, you just never know. But she needed to confirm if this (y/n) is the same (y/n) that she knew in her past just to make sure. And she knew who to call to help her with that. So she grabbed her phone and looked through her contact info and found the person that could help her.

That person being Amelia Watson and bonehead sidekick, Gawr Gura.

Now you're wondering why she doesn't do it herself, she could just call Pomu or maybe ask her sister where (y/n) is and go see for herself if it's the same (y/n) that she knew. Well the answer is simple.

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