beginning of training (rewrite)

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It was a new day for (y/n) as he was going to school, normal school which is the boring kind of school. He was walking outside of the courtyard as he was singing to himself as he walked to the school to start the day.

(y/n): chillin' out with the crew in the school yard.

He was signing until he heard a student whisper to another student.

Student 1: Is that really him?

Student 2: I hope not, he looks like a geek.

(y/n) stopped for a moment to look at them before shrugging it off and continue

(y/n): findin' trouble, never lookin' too hard.

Then he passed more students.

Student 3: It's him.

Student 4: it can't be, he looks like a joke.

(y/n) just looked at them with confusion as he didn't know what they were talking about but he did his best to just ignore it.

(y/n): well back at class, they never taught us this.

Then he passed more students.

Student 5: I can't believe some students actually think he was the one to beat Eolith.

Student 6: Yeah, me too.

(y/n) then just looked at them, they know about his duel with Eolith? That was surprising to him but he tried his best to not think about it.

(y/n): somethings you gotta learn, hit or miss.

Then he passed even more students.

Student 7: is—

(y/n): shut up! I don't want to hear your gossip anymore!

He yelled in anger as he didn't want to hear their gossip, all he wanted to do was just have a normal school without people gossiping about for some reason. His screaming scared the students as they ran from him. (y/n) started to calm down after he yelled, then started to wonder why they were gossiping about him and how they knew about his duel with Eolith.

(y/n): maybe he knows why people are talking about me. I should go ask him.

Then he walked into school hoping to find the others and Eolith.

Time skip

Right now, the group was sitting on a bench talking to each other about interesting stuff to say the least.

Elira: Did you know that raccoons can fit in really small spaces and it's like, 2 and half raccoons can fit in your ass.

Eolith: what's up with you and raccoons lady!

He yelled, causing Elira to filinched, but before things could go any further, (y/n) showed up.

(y/n): hey guys!

Elira: Hey Zarc! Did you know that raccoons can fit in really small spaces and it's like, 2 and half raccoons can fit in your ass.

(y/n): what! who starts a conversion like that! I just got here!

Eolith: her apparently!

Elira: I thought it would be cool to let you guys know.

(y/n)/Eolith: No!

They yelled at Elira which made her feel sad.

Pomu: don't worry Elira, I think it's cool.

Pomu whispers to Elira making feel better.

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