family and past

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A few days have passed by for Elira. She had seen the duel between (y/n) and Serena and how strong the other was. From the duel, she had realized three things that can help her improve her dueling skill.

Number one, (y/n) is a lot stronger then she had thought to be as even against someone from duel academy, a place that is well known for making some of the strongest duelist in the word, (y/n) not only taught someone to be able beat one as well, but was also able to beat one as well. Especially a strong duelist that she isn't sure if she could have taken on herself. Elira's deck was strong but she wasn't sure if she could take on Serena's deck or how she duels with it and the fact that (y/n) could have beaten her during her first turn but chose not to should be also telling her something else. It tells her that she still needs a lot to learn, especially from (y/n) who she won't lie, she kind of looks up to the impoundment of a strong duelist.

Number two, students from duel academy are a lot stronger than she thought they were. When she asked Shu about his duel against Ajax, he said that he almost lost to him because of Ajax's deck ability to do a huge amount of burn damage and because of that, he was almost OTK. not only that, he had a strong line of defense which seemed hard to get past by because of how strong their defense point was and the fact if he decided to destroy Howitzer, Ajax would have summon a strong monster. he said if (y/n) wasn't there to encourage him to keep on going, he would have just given up and surrender the duel. She knew that duel academy students were strong but she didn't think they were this strong. Able to beat your opponent before they even get a turn was definitely a strong duelist especially if you don't have cards that can stop it from happening. It wasn't helping the fact that if her school were to enter the world championship, duel academy will be their main opponents and if just one of their students just barely won their match against one, then it's mostly like they won't even survive a few rounds. Most likely that (y/n) would need to carry the team all the way through the tournament which she wasn't just going to let that happen. She knows the feeling of needing to carry the team as she remembers when her and her friends entered a mini tournament that had a ground prize of an arc reactor, she remembered that all of the others lost and she had to carry the rest of the team to victory and it wasn't easy. The feeling of having so much pressure from your team relying all on you and the feeling of losing was at the highest, she knew if she had lost, it would have been all her fault. From that day she agreed that no one should ever feel that feeling ever as it was stressful to her. She doesn't want (y/n) feeling that at all, but she feels like she was giving him that feeling already as he was basically the only in the school that was the strongest other then maybe Eolith but then again, he seemed so relaxed about everything.

And for number three, (y/n) was a great teacher. She couldn't deny that, not only was he teaching Finana but Also Shu who was able to beat a duel academy student. If they keep up with their training then sooner or later Shu would be a pro at dueling, probably being better than her. She remembers that she had to be everyone's teacher and to teach how to become a stronger duelist but she was having a hard time doing so. Some of them struggle learning to become stronger and some of them didn't really have all that much motivation to keep on training to become stronger. The only one that was motivated to become strong was Pomu but most likely because they were good friends. So to see someone like (y/n) making a lot more progress on training the others is telling her she needs to be a better teacher, well until they can afford to hire one. But right now she needed to not only be a better teacher but a better supporter for her friends to always encourage them not to give up no matter what, even if the situation seemed all but lost. She should probably ask for some help from (y/n) so he could teach her a thing or two.

While she was thinking about all of this, she was in her living room inside of her house with a notebook in hand as she wrote down things she could approve of herself and things she could approve for the school as it still needed some improvements. As she was sitting on her couch thinking to herself, her parents, who were retired pro duelists and now duel designers meaning that they get to make new cards for duel monsters, were in the kitchen on their phone as they were talking to their workers about meeting their schedules. They were mostly busy and were so much in depth with their work that they never really get to spend time there with their children and because of that, they don't connect at all. Because of this, Elira didn't have all that much attachment with them so if she wanted to talk to someone in the house, she would need to talk to her half sister but they don't get along with each other. She wasn't fully sure why, either because deep down their parents favored Elira more than her sister, she wasn't sure but one thing for sure. Her and her sister don't get along with each other, especially since her sister had a history with her friends and not a very good one. So to say that her relationship with her sister wasn't the best was an understatement, completely on fire had to be the best way to describe it and this was her being the nicest way to say it. She does have an adoptive sister though, that being Millie. The reason she was adopted into the family is still unknown to her though it could be because Millie's parents were once friends with her parents and then something happened so her parents adopted Millie. Though they adopted her, they don't really give her too much attention which makes her wonder why they adopted her when they don't acknowledge her all that much. Hell she might well be her mother as she takes care of Millie more than their parents do. Because of this, Millie and Elira had a strong connection with each other to the point that Elira felt that Millie was more of a sister then her half sister. Though she wishes Millie and her half sister got along, they tend to not get along at all, especially since they were friends with the same person, then that same person had the same ideology as Selen which soured their relationship a lot, but she doesn't want to go deep into it.

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