fish and dragons

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Elira was at her house right now trying to make things look more clean. The reason she was doing this was because one of her friends was coming over, that being Finana Ryugu who wanted to talk to her about something. One of her best friends.

She was one of her first friends she made as she was the second friend she made in 3rd grade. Her first being Pomu. During 3rd grade, they were inseparable. Like they were pb and j sandwiches. They would always hang out with each other, play with each other, and sing with each other. They were like the three musketeers. It always seemed like that they always had to be with each at all times, at school and outside of school. They couldn't get enough of each other. To Elira, they were like a second family which she sort of needed when she didn't really communicate with hers, especially with her sister. That is why she cared about her friends a lot, they were a family to her, a big happy family. A family she would never replace for anything else in the world. Pomu and Finana were like sisters to her, at least that's what she thinks, she doesn't know what sisters are like. When you have someone like selen as your sister, it can be hard to relate to people who actually have healthy relationships with their siblings. Or even know what a healthy relationship is. Though she has Millie who lives in their parents basement and who also is adoptive which makes her sister and to be honest. She is a better sister then Selen is which is either sad or ironic when the adoptive family member is better than your biological family member. Though her family never really noticed her all that much which makes her wonder why her parents adopted her in the first place but it doesn't matter too much to her, she's just glad she has Millie to be a part of her maily.

But either way, that is why she loves her friends. They understand her, they communicate with each other. They listen to each other while her family is usually busy minding their own business or trying to get the other to see things their way. By that she means her parents trying to get her to see things their way. Her parents aren't the worst parents ever but they definitely aren't the best either. When she wanted to try new things, her parents would often ridicule her saying that she needed to keep on training to become the strongest there is just like them. You know before that went downhill for them. While she did like duel monsters, she didn't like how much they tried to shove it down her throat all the time. When she started to play it, she tried to play it her own way where she could have fun while playing it. She made her own deck and she played it her own way which caused her parents to disagree with her way of dueling saying it was the way weaklings play it. Seriously, they take everything too seriously like fun is only good for wasting time. To them "why should someone have fun when you can grind to be the very best" was their mindset. In other words, they were trying to normalize the whole "sigma grindset" to her which was basically, focus on dueling and becoming better then no one else and don't waste time on anyone else, no matter what. She hated that mindset a lot, all she wanted to do was duel for fun and sleep and eat. That didn't stop them from trying to convince her otherwise. She remembers when she wanted to go to a school where it would teach her to become a better duelist and her parents jump on the opportunity to send her to duel academy where she would get a first hand look on how brutally their way of dueling was, especially how toxic their competitive environment can be. Even after rejecting it, her parents still try to convince her to go and because of that. This led her to wanting to make her own duel school. One where you can have fun dueling and where the competitive environment wasn't so toxic.

She remembers when she first pitched the idea to her family and how they all laugh at her for it except for Millie, saying that dueling for fun was a weakness and would never get her anywhere. But that never stopped her from trying, in fact it made her more motivated to make this success to prove them all wrong. Though the progress was slow, she never stopped trying. To her, nothing was going to stop her, though her parents could stop her but the only reason they haven't was because they wanted her to see how much of a bad idea it was. But she was never going to see it as hopeless as she knew that success isn't going to be fast, it was going to be slow but with the progress she was making, she felt like she might not have to wait any more longer then she had before.

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