the start of a rivalry (rewrite)

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(y/n )was at his house, right now at the dinner table with his family. His uncle and aunt have set the dinner table as they hand him and John their food. The second that John was given his food, he started to eat it immediately like an animal.

Ashly: John please eat properly.

But he didn't listen, he just kept on eating like an animal. (y/n) then hit him in the shoulder with his elbow.

John: ow! What was that for!

(y/n): listen to aunt ashley.

John: fine.

John then started to eat properly and slowly which caused Ashly to sign in relief.

Ashly: I don't know how you do it, I can hardly get him to listen to me, and I'm his mother.

(y/n): Well, I ask that sometimes.

Roger: So Zarc, did you find a school you want to join?

(y/n): well sort of found a school i want to join.

Roger: sort of?

(y/n): well to be more clear, i found a place that is a sort of a school that i want to join

Ashley: You found a sort of school, what are you talking about zarc?

(y/n): well it isn't really a school.

Roger: So you didn't find anything.

(y/n): i did but it's not an official school.

Ashley: Okay then what is it then if it isn't a school?

(y/n): I'm honestly not sure then.

Ashley: So it isn't a school.

(y/n): well not yet.

Roger: Okay so is it a school or not, yes or no.

(y/n): no it's not.

Ashley: Then why did you say you found a sort of school?

(y/n): because we're trying to make it an official school.

Ashley: "we?" who's we?

(y/n): well the friends i made.

ashley: You made friends! I'm so proud of you!

John: Are any of them cute girls or cute guys?

Ashley: john!

(y/n): Well, I'm not going to lie.

Ashley: zarc!

Roger: you're too young to date!

(y/n): I'm 18 and so are they!

Roger: Oh yeah that's right. Sorry it just feels like it was yesterday since we adopted you, you're growing up so fast because you finally made friends.

John: Are they real friends and not fake ones like the last one?

Ashley: John, don't remind him or those people. He wants to forget them.

(y/n): don't worry aunt Ashley, i'm pretty i'm over it by now, at least i think.

Roger: Are you sure?

(y/n): don't worry about that, we're getting off topic.

Roger: yeah you're right, so the school isn't officially.

(y/n): no it isn't, but we're going to try to make it official. So far it's just a place for me and my friends to hang out.

Ashley: But why not go to a school that is already special?

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