You Hurt Me

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Killian frowned as he headed to the bathroom.

He was angry and so was I.

He didn't want to listen to me and now he hurt me. If he had, he would have learned that I didn't sleep with Andrew.

The fact that he didn't want to share his business with me could have been enough sign for me to stay away but Alice got into my head with all that nonsense about being selfish.

He has been tight-lipped about the whole thing and somehow, I should have been with Andrew's case.

We wouldn't be at this point if I had lied.

I was so deep in that I didn't hear him come into the room, I looked up just as the door swung shut.

He was dripping wet with water and he was naked as the day he was born. His face was in a scowl as he walked towards me.

"Stop!" I said but he didn't listen.

He picked me up and headed back to the bathroom.

"Put me down," I snapped.

"No," he said as he dropped me into the tub.

I opened my mouth to yell at him but I discovered he had run me a bath.

My heart melted but I still glared at him. He sighed as he bathed me.

Stroking my body softly as he washed me. My anger faded away as I watched him.

His brows were furrowed as he scrubbed my body and his pink tongue darted out once in a while to lick his lips.

I was floored.

He was being so gentle that it scared me.

"I am sorry I hurt you," he said.

I didn't say anything so he continued.

"I thought you slept with Andrew and that made me angry." He said.

"I didn't sleep with him," I confirmed.

"Then why did you go there?" He asked,

"I went to talk to him. Alice told me I was being selfish by letting you carry the burden of the company falling apart when I was the cause of it."

"She did what?" He frowned.

"I had a long talk with her and she was not shy about telling me her feelings.

First, she was angry Andrew wanted me even when I told her I wasn't interested in Andrew.

Then she got angry when I wouldn't agree to sleep with him to save the company."

I felt him tense but he said nothing.

"I let her words get to me because I decided to go talk to Andrew. I figured I could get him to come back so the company won't fall under but when I got there, he was with his family.

He was so grateful that I didn't tell his wife anything that he asked me to talk to you to let him come back." I explained.

Killian scoffed, "he is only saying that because he is the one in trouble now."

"Yes, he mentioned that.

"what do you think?" He asked.

My eyes widened from the question, he was asking me for my opinion.

My heart tingled.

"I think you should let him come back, you managed to keep the company afloat but for how long?"

He shrugged, "You have a point but doing business with Andrew is like setting myself up for disappointment."

"Why would you say that?" I asked,

"What if he changes his mind or worse demand this type of shit again?"

"Then you let him know beforehand. If he tries to pull away, then he is not getting his money back especially if he makes demands like the one he did." I say firmly.

Killian stared at me for a long time. "I guess you are right. Come on, let's dry you off."

I stand from the tub, letting him wrap me with the towel.

He dried my body, nodding his head when he was done.

We stood staring at each other.

My anger had faded and in its place was desire despite what he had done.

He seemed to be thinking the same thing I was thinking because he lifted me in his arms and placed his lips on mine.

I moaned into the kiss, wrapping my legs around him as he led me out of the bathroom.

He laid me on the bed gently, he laid me on my stomach. I twisted to look at him.

He had something in his hand as he approached me.

He applied the ointment on my bottom as he gently massaged me.

I moaned the pain from the hits and pleasure from the massage.

"Why didn't you say anything if it was that painful?" He asked,

"What should I have said?"

"Your safe word. I would have stopped if you said it."

"We never really discussed safe words."

The rest of the words remained unspoken.

"I am sorry for hurting you. But we should get you a safe word."

"Massage," I said, he chuckled.

"Massage it is then." He said as he kissed me.

He turned me so I was facing him, and his tongue delved into my mouth as he squeezed my boobs.

I gasped,

I was still sore but I was so aroused that I didn't care if it hurt or not.

We were both naked and ready. He caressed my other boob as he trailed kisses down my neck.

I moaned softly when he got to the pulse behind the column of my neck.

Trailing kisses from my neck to my stomach, he spread my legs wide as he dove into them.

I moaned as soon as his tongue touched my clitoris, he swiped his tongue over it as he lapped up my juices.

My legs shook as I tried to steady them, and my lower abdomen tightened in anticipation.

"Cum for me," Killian ordered in a low tone.

My back bowed out of the bed as I rode my orgasm. He kept licking me till I found myself riding out my orgasm again.

"Good girl," he said.

He laid over my body gently as he slid inside of me with ease, slowly thrusting as he didn't want to hurt me.


"You want more?" He asked,


He picked up his pace making me scream all night till I passed out.


Those of you cursing Killian, you saw the red flags but you ignored them.😭🤣🤣🤣
Anyway, I hope this redeems him.

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