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I whistled as the elevator moved, I was happy and there was nothing anyone could do to prevent that.

Waking up in a new environment heightened my feelings of joy once I opened my eyes, that's why I took special care of my appearance in the mirror.

I was glowing from spending time with Killian yesterday, no matter how little.

It still saddened me that he didn't stay the night but I was happy regardless that everything worked out for us.

The elevator doors opened and I stopped short just as Alice came into view, she was glaring at me with her hands on her hips.

It was nothing new. I thought we were making headway but it looks like she is up to her old ways.

"Good morning Alice," I extended an olive branch.


She ignored me, dropping some files on my desk with a note before walking out.

I picked up the note and it read that the next meeting was in ten minutes and I shouldn't be late.

I rolled my eyes at her childish display. I picked up a notepad and a pen and proceeded to the conference room for the meeting.

They barely acknowledged me when I came for the meeting.

Killian wasn't present, so it was just his subordinates.

I tried to take notes but Alice kept asking me to get coffee for them and some snacks.

I almost snapped her head off.

Her attitude towards me was beginning to irritate me when the meeting was over and she was alone in her office.

I went to her.

"Come in," she said when I knocked.

I walked in and her countenance changed, and her friendly demeanor changed to aggressive.

"Can I help you with something?" She asked harshly.

I guess we are doing this the hard way.

I had come initially to talk to her gently but it looks like that ship has sailed.

"What is your problem?" I asked,

Her eyes widened at my tone, "excuse me?"

"I thought we were making progress and now you are acting like a bitch and it's affecting my work," I tell her.


"I already told you I am not involved with Killian, you want me to swear in blood before you believe me?"

"Wait! That's not why I am mad." She said.

"Really? Then why are you?"

"Come on, don't play coy. I know you are not involved with Killian but that day, you saw something you shouldn't have."

"So?" I shrugged.

"So, you know about my deals."

"Yeah, and I still don't know why it's making you bark at me," I tell her.

She sighed, "One of my most important clients saw you that day and was very much interested. I guess I am just threatened that if you agree then I would be of no use to Killian."

Poor Alice.

I understand why she is acting like there is a stick up her ass. She thought I would like her type of deals with some of our clients.

"No, that's not going to happen. But how did he know I was there?"

"You are not as subtle as you think.

That place is for powerful men, there is no way you would have gone unnoticed."

I sighed. Killian was right, I had put myself in danger. What was I thinking?
I rubbed my temple as Alice stared on.

"So, you will never see Andrew?"

"Who?" I asked,

"My client, the one interested in you."

She clarified.

"No, never. I am not interested in him. You don't have to worry about me."

She nodded. "I guess that settles that."

"Thank you," I say as I leave her office.

For the rest of the day, she kept her promise. She was nicer and more favorable to work with now.

She let me sit in on meetings without sending me out for coffee breaks and my day was more productive than before.

I didn't see Killian all day and I wondered if I should call.

We didn't have that kind of relationship and if he needed me, then he would call.

I decided not to call.

Alice came through the door after work hours, I was packing my bags to go home.

"Some of them are going for drinks, are you interested?" She asked, she pointed to the people standing near the elevator waiting.

"Sure, it wouldn't hurt," I said.

I was going home to do nothing anyway, so I might as well hang out.
We headed down to the bar down the street, it was crowded as it was Friday night.

People loved to party on Fridays.

"Let's do shots!" Alice yelled,

I agreed, it's been a long time since I let down my hair. She ordered shots and I took mine instantly.

The liquid burned my throat and I was reminded why I don't take alcohol.

I poured the second one soon after. The buzz takes its place slowly in my body.

I shook my head, Alice gave me a look but I ignored it. The music was moving me and I swayed my body softly to it. I didn't dare to get up and dance.

"More shots?" Alice yelled over the music.

I nodded my head, I could use some more.

I wanted to dance and be free but I needed more alcohol in my system.

"Coming right up"

She left to get the drinks while I waited at the bar.

The club was packed tonight and I could see so many people having fun except me.

I don't know how long we stayed there, drinking and dancing but when I checked my watch, it was time for me to go home.

"What's wrong?" Alice asked when I checked my watch severally.

"I have to go home," I announce.

The rest of my coworkers groaned at the announcement but I was determined to go before I embarrass myself after my fifth drink.

I ordered a cab on my phone and headed outside to wait for it. I stumbled a bit but I caught my balance.

The cab wasn't coming so I walked a bit further from the club, I had walked three steps when I noticed a figure following me.

My heart sank.


Happy October to you guys!!! A friendly reminder that I will stop posting here at the thirtieth chapter🥺.
My apologies.

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