"That's not actually all" the doctor says.

"What else?"

"We found her body badly injured, her back had long deep marks that are disturbing to the eye and her stomach has a long line drawn horizontally, inflammations, and some were already infected"

"What?" Luca jumps forward

"How is that possible?" Ashton questions no one in particular.

"Didn't you know?" The curious doctor tries to pries out some information.


"Actually I don't think you need to know about that" Ashton said

"But we may need to involve the police for this"

"Why?" Xander said

"Because I don't think you knew about this"

"If we knew or not, it's not your business" Xavier said

Luciano is just quiet and in deep thoughts.

"Enough!" He calmly says.

"This matter is family and I don't need you to tell me what to do, if it involves the police the call will be made, got it?" He said.


"Did you get that?" He says, this time, colder.

"Y-yessir" the doctor sad and scurries away.

"What do we do Luciano?" Ethan said, he looks like he wants to cry.

"I don't know, but all I know is something happened to Isabella, and I want to find out"

"How will you do that?" Ashton asked.

"I don't know yet" frustrated, Luciano ruffles his hair.


Hours past, and still Isabella hasn't woken up. The brothers felt it was better for two brothers to stay with Isabella while the rest return home.

Xavier and Luca took a ward opposite Isabella's ward and rested there for the night.

Xavier couldn't sleep, he stared into space thinking about everything memory he could recall with his sister.

"Why" he cried.

"Why did have to happen?"

"I regret it, I regret not spending time with her" he says

"Why" he sobs.

Suddenly an arm is wrapped around his shoulder and pulls him into the other one's arms.

He breaks down and cries his eyes out.

"L-luca, why did this happen? Why didn't I love her like you did?" He hiccups in between words.

"It's going to be fine, she'll make it"

"I hope so"

It's been two weeks since Isabella's been in a coma.

It's been moving slowly ever since.

Ring ring


"Good day Mr Lombardi, it's urgent come to the hospital quick! Isabella's condition isn't stable!"


We all look at Luciano.

"Let's go to the hospital!"

"What's wrong"

We all start running towards the car.

"I'll explain on the way c'mon!"

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