"*8: Cold*"

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                      Isabella's POV

I went through my phone and decided to call the guys. I called them all but none of them were picking up so I left it. They will see it and call me back.

" So Isabella what do you like to do" Rachel the witch with a big mouth spoke to me.

" Well it depends on my mood. If I'm angry I like to hunt the person who made me mad and give them a good beating,if I'm annoyed I like to also give them a good beating and if I'm happy maybe someone could be spared on that day but as of now I'm annoyed but an annoying someone wouldn't stop talking to me" I turned and look at her through the rear mirror.

She gulped and continued" do you have any hobbies?" Like for real bitch. " Well, I do I have many. Let's just say my hobbies aren't to be said to the open" I said with a sly smirk.

" Well okay what do-" I cut her off.

" will you stop asking me questions like this. Isn't it obvious I don't want to talk to you can't you just shut up or do you want to be part of the list that get beat up when I'm annoyed and mind you I don't care what gender it is" I said and she finally shut up.


After an excruciatingly long ride, we were at the airport but she didn't stop instead she drove to a secluded place. Indeed those fuckers have a private plane.

I got out and grabbed my bag from her boot." Okay Isabella this is where I'll leave you. If you need anything just give me a call" she rested her hand on my shoulder.

I looked at it and shrugged it off. " Yeah no. Don't worry I won't need you"

With that I left a confused Rachel and went into the plane.

As I went in I was guided my an air hostess to my seat.
" Would you like to have anything?" She asked.

" Well since you asked,I'll have some Lays, in different flavors, strawberry ice cream and a big whole bucket of chicken nuggets with fries and... that's all for now" I smiled sweetly at her and she left.

If I'm going to fly first class, I've got to eat first class.


Soon enough she came back with everything I asked for. I stuffed my face with food and after I was done I took a well deserved nap.

" Ma'am! Ma'am" I felt someone shaking me. I really hate been disturbed while I sleep.

As usual I didn't wake up immediately. I wanted for ten minutes before I opened my eyes.

" Yes. Is there a problem" I asked in a raspy voice.
The attendant looked stunned as she stared at my eyes before snapping out of it. " We are about to land" she said and walked away. I wonder why she was looking at my face.

I dipped my hand into my pocket and pulled out a mirror and checked my eyes. They looked dead. They were black with a dull gray swirling in them. It looked like a dark abyss when I would be scared if I wasn't used to seeing this.

I waited twenty minutes before looking at them again. They are back to the normal dull gray eyes they were. I look at outside the window and realized that we flew till the next day. That means it's afternoon. I checked my phone, it's 1:00pm and I haven't eaten anything.

I snap my fingers to summon the attendant.
" Yes would you like anything?" She asked.
" Yes. I'm hungry, I would like pancakes with Mabel syrup please " I said and she left.

Mehn. I need to pee. I stood up and walk to the bathroom. After I do my business I pull out some spray and a comb. Even though I hate them I have to look presentable and smell nice.

I went back to my seat to be greeted by the scent of freshly made pancakes. I immediately devoured them and gulp down some orange juice.

The nice attendant came and clean the table. All I have to do I wait for this goddamn plane to land.


I finally got down the plane and breathed in the nice New York City smell. Since it was November it was pretty chilly. I went and sat out the airport  waiting for someone to pick me up but no one came. I checked my phone,it was already 2:00pm and Apollo and the rest haven't called back.

It was starting to get dark outside and when I thought I would have to go inside a car pulled out and an old man came out of the driver's seat.

" Hello ma'am. I'm sorry for coming this late. Where are my manners,my name is Thomas I'm the family driver. Please miss Isabella this way" he said and open the door for me to get in.

" Please call me Isabella " I said politely.
" Okay Mi- Isabella. I'm sorry your brothers couldn't come to pick you up they were busy so I remembered" he explained.

Oh so they forgot. Well, not like I was expecting anything wonderful.


After we got into a secluded place, the gates were opened to a beautiful mansion. Of course they are rich. After I was dropped off Thomas left the place. I checked my phone and the time read 4:00pm,I sighed and went to the front door and knocked but no one answered, I tried opening it but it was locked. Wow,they even forgot to let the staff know.

I sat down on the porch and as though the day couldn't get any worse a snow storm broke out. At first it was rain then it turned to heavy snow and since there wasn't any shelter I was getting drenched.

I tried pushing myself into the door but it wasn't working. Soon enough minutes turned to hours the snow storm didn't cool down. By now the sky was extremely dark meaning it was midnight and I as already numb with cold. My eyes felt dull as I stared into space. I couldn't move I was frozen in place and I was drenched in rain and snow from head to toe.


A few hours later, I saw a flash of light and it became bigger and brighter. Then I realized it was a car light. I saw someone come out and run to me and try to talk to me but I was too frozen to do anything.

" Shit!! Xander grab the blanket from the car! Xavier open the door quick! I can't feel any heat in her system" I heard I was covered with something and taken inside.

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