"*1: Tired*"

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                            Isabella's POV


Pain is all I feel right now. It's hurts to touch, it hurt to look at,and it definitely hurts to imagine it.

I feel numb, cold and alone.

I hate my brothers for leaving me. I hate my parents for abandoning me. I hate myself for being weak. Honestly I'm tired of life, I'm tired of my life.

I opened my eyes and look at the ceiling. After a while I get up and go to the bathroom but not before checking the time, it read 4:45. I strip and look at myself in the mirror, all the bruises, the scars,the whip marks, the fading hickeys,the cigarettes burns, the fire burns,the cuts and the stabs. It looks like they are growing on me because it's not fading or healing.

I walk into the bath and don't stay long, just scrub and rinse as quick as I can. After I'm done I walk out and put on a white tee and some pants.

I rush downstairs and started making breakfast. Hopefully I'll be done before they monsters wake up. Pfft ,if they aren't hungover.

I'm as quick as I can and once I'm done I set the plates down and grab my bag before rushing to school.

I make it there only to see Apollo beating up an innocent guy. I rush and yank the poor boy out of Apollo's grasp and the boy scurries off like a scared kitten, with that I turn to Apollo looking at him dead in the eye.

" Ap, are you going to explain what just happened? " I said while maintaining eye contact with him.
" Issy, you know I'm a good boy right?" He switched from the devilish bad boy to a cute and obedient puppy.

I scoffed anyone around us would wonder what made the bad boy turn to an obedience puppy.
I looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

"I-, it was him! He saw my sweet on the floor and took it to eat it! I was so angry so......I punched him, no biggie right?" He asked scratching his neck nervously.

"Oh really?" I asked Apollo and turned to Nikolai and Arlo with my eyebrow raised.

" Did he seriously just punch him? Or beat him up" I said.
" Of course he beat him, he looked like he wanted to murder him!" Arlo exclaimed.
" He just beat him up, if you weren't there he would have destroyed him" Niko said.

"Well why didn't you stop him?" I asked.
" Do you think we didn't try? He literally wanted to beat us up as well, you know he only listens to you" Arlo said.
"Yeah I do, Issy can you pwease buy me some candy?" Apollo said using the puppy eyes.

I was about to answer when I girl in a pink mini skirt with a white strap top with some push up bra walk up to Apollo and forcefulness put Apollo's hand on her waist. I laughed at her stupidity.
She turned to me and glared at me. " What are you laughing at slut? I'm sure you're another fuck girl,well listen here bitch you better respect me because I'm Apollo's girlfriend alright slut" she said while sticking to Apollo like a fly.

I heard Arlo mutter it's about to go down, and boy was he right.
" Listen here bitch,it looks like you like wearing bikinis let me help you with that" I said and ripped her whole dress into shreds, now she was left standing in a bra and pants.
" Listen, ever heard of the name Trouble?" I asked and she paled to which I smirked.
" Now,if you don't want to end up like trouble's last victim you better make sure I don't see you again " I said with a very deadly and threatening voice.

She looked at Apollo for help,to which he growled.
" Get out of here, like she said before you end up like trouble's last victim " he said and she scramed with her minions trying to cover her.

Our Little Devil Girl Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum