"*19: Kits and Sluts*"

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Isabella's POV


I screamed in pain, and agony. Those whip marks were deep and huge, if they see it it's straight to the hospital.

" Hold on I'll find her brothers!" Arlo said

I grabbed his hand, preventing him from sprinting to the cafeteria where my brothers are.

" N-no, d-don't" I wheezed out.

" Why? They will help right?" He looked at me with suspicion.

I begin to panic. What will I tell them?

" They a-aren't in school" I lied. If I tell them they are in school but don't care for me, they well kill them.

" Okay..so what do we do now?" Apollo asked.

" I'm fine, I'll just fix myself up in the bathroom"

" But we want to know what happened to your back"

" Guys-" I pressed my hands on Niko's chest to prevent him from carrying me.

"-I'm fine. Can you just drop it"

" Fine"


I went to the bathroom and took off my top. Since it was already ruined with blood I just wrapped it in a whole lot of tissues and tossed it in the rubbish bin.

" Shit! It's bleeding to much" I whispered to myself. Since I wasn't going to be able to clean it, I decided to leave school.

I looked around for a shirt or something to use and cover it and saw a red hanging on one of the stalls.

I looked down to see if anyone was inside. I saw two feet and decided to steal it.

" Hey! Who took my shirt!" The girl screamed as I took the shirt and put it on.

I realized this girl was drawing to much attention so I jumped out using the small window. Lucky I was able to fit.

I rushed to the nearest pharmacy and bought an emergency kit and paid was about to pay but then realized I have no money.

" Shit,"

" Is there something wrong miss?"

" No nothing, it's just, erm..how much was it again?"

" It's 7.99$ miss"

" Oh gosh!" I slouch my back preparing to return it when I remember something and smirk internally.

" Oh well it's too expensive, sorry to trouble you but I'll look for a cheaper one"

I walk back to where I pick the kit, and check for any CCTV cameras and spot one in my direction.

I glance at it every 3seconds and realized it's not active. I do a happy dance in my head and spot any open window.

I don't find any, but I figured asking the girl at the counter.

But, if I ask her she start acting suspicious and I need to be quick, because I can feel the blood dropping on the red top.

I fake tired eyes and pale face my stabbing my nail into one of my bruises.

" H-hello miss" I away to her front.

" Miss are you alright?"

" Not really, is there a bathroom in here?"

" Yes just walk straight and take a right"

" Thank-" I fake vomit and immediately the girl squeals in fright and covers her eyes and I run to the direction she points at.

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