"*30: Rage*"

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Isabella's POV

"That was so much fun" I mutter to myself. What was fun? The drive. We talked, laughed, played and almost got arrested.

I laid on my bed, thinking.

Am I doing the right thing?

I'm slowly letting them in again.

This will leave to betrayal.

But, why is it so nice to feel loved.

Why can't they just go away.

Why must we bond and play?

I just hate myself. I can't build my wall right, they always fall. My brothers, now my cousins. It's so overwhelming.

I felt the urge to cut. Deeper this time. I've been to easy on myself that's why I'm confused.

I hurriedly walk to the bathroom, open the cabinet take out a fresh, new razor.

This actually looks tempting.

I raise my sleeve up.

Such a fresh hand. Maybe too fresh.

Red would be a nice fit with it. I eagerly raise the razor, thoughts flooding through my mind.






The cuts are endless. It was supposed to be only ten, but I guess I kept on calling me.

After 46 satisfying cuts, I stare at the blood dripping and I'm not satisfied.

I ignore the blood dripping and walk out of the bathroom, lock the door and stare at the mirror.

I need to fight.

I need to let out this frustration and anger.


I bandaged my hand and skip dinner. Yes, everyone asked what was wrong, I simply lied.

I change into something better and fight-worthy and jump out the balcony.

At this point I don't know any fighting arena so I just walk around until it's 10pm.

I spot a figure smoking.

I intend to pass-by, when the figure runs up to me and grabs me.

"Isabella! It's me, Ashford" he says.

"Oh hey" I said.

"What are you doing here at night?" He asked taking a drag, I stare at it, wondering if it could help my predicament.

"Want a drag?" He pushes it towards me.

"Yes" I reply eagerly. I take the blunt and take a long drag out of it. Smoke comes out of my mouth and nose.

"You never asked my question" he said, taking his blunt back.

"What was it again?" I asked.

He sighed, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for a fighting arena, I need to let off some steam" I said.

"Oh, let's go then" he drops the blunt and crushes it before leaving with me to his car.

He takes us to eerily calm and quiet place.

"Is this supposed to be a fighting arena?" I asked eying the place.

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