"*15: Drama*"

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Third person's POV

The two girls stood in there place with their heads down.

" I asked you, where were you?" Luciano spoke.

" I-we- she"

" Don't stutter! And who are you?!?" He yelled.

Isabella looked at An and saw she was shivering, she looked at Luciano and frowned.

" W-why are *hiccup* talking to her like t-that?" She walked over and shoved his shoulder.

He looked like he could kill.

" I'll say it one more time, where were you?" He was calm. Too calm.

" I think I know you from somewhere" said Xavier

" Um, Isabella maybe I-"

" We went to the party, so what!?!" Isabella yelled.

" It's not like you can do anything to me" she finished off.

The whole room was calm, maybe even too calm. The oldest, Luciano looked at the fearless girl with a fiery emotion swirling in his eyes.

" Luca"

" Y-yes?"

" Take her home"

" B-but what of Isabella?" An cried

" Oh she?" Luciano pointed to the girl.

" She will be alright" she said but something about his expression made her heart clench in fear.

" Wait! Now who will give me more alcohol" she wailed.

Xander looked at Isabella front head to the toe. She wore a black dress, no shoes on, her hair is in a frizz, but something about her eyes made him stare longer.

Her eyes are naturally dull gray, but now her eyes are so black, you can see the gray swirling around them.

She looks so lifeless that if she was talking, in her drunk state anyone would think she's a zombie.

"And as for you-" Luciano points.

" -Will receive a huge punishment"

Those words took Isabella into a memory lane.


" You refused to dance for those men! You stood your ground and refused!" Jane yelled.

" You think you're smart! And ontop of that you ran away! Making Simon find you!"

" Today you'll receive a huge punishment. One that you'll never be able to disobey me again"


She snapped out of it, and started looking around in worry and a place to escape.

" Catch her and bring her" ordered Luciano.

The boys chased after the girl like hunger wolfs.

She ran to the kitchen and jumped over the isle and ran upstairs.

The boys had already surrounded her upstairs with on where to run.

Isabella saw something and started laughing like a maniac. The brothers looked confused and watch her laugh.

" What is wrong-" before Ashton could finish his sentence, the girl had run to the railing and jumped down.

The girl thinks she would fall like always was shocked with two pairs of strong arms wrapped around her waist catching her.

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