"*17: Confusion*"

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Isabella's POV

"Girl, open the fucking door!"

I layer on the bathroom floor motionlessly while someone knocked on my room door.


I flinched and opened my eyes with force and I instantly regretted it.

I was pulled into a memory.


He was drunk, she was livid and their friends, they were happy.

I stumbled backwards in an attempt to escape but it only enraged them.

" You want to run away slut!" She grabbed my hair and hurled my across the room.

She grabbed a lamp and smashed it on my head. I cried in pain and curled into a ball.

He stumbled to me and started punching me any were.

He felt it wasn't enough so he stepped on my ribs until he heard a satisfying and sickening crack.

I cried and begged him to stop but he was about to make me black out when-

"Isabella! I will break down this door if you don't open it!"

I jolted out to that memory and thanked the person for yelling.

I looked around and realized I was still on the bathroom floor since yesterday.

I scrambled around trying to clean the dried blood. I grabbed a white towel and scrubbed the floor. It was stained with the blood but I couldn't care at this moment I just tossed it into the laundry bag.

" I'm coming!"

I glanced and my wrist and my eyes widened at the blood is on them.

I just tug it under my shirt and walk to the door and open it.

" Do you know what the time is saying!" Ethan says.

" I'm sure you are going to tell me" I say sarcastically.

" What were you doing?" Ashton asked.

" It's nothing important" my lower back began to throbbing painfully.

" I want to know-"

" But I don't want you to know"

" What is going on here" Luciano stride towards us.

" She was doing something and doesn't want us to know" Ashton ratted me out.

"What were you doing?" He asked me.

I have to think of a lie to cover what I was doing but my lower back and abdomen started to throb.

" I'm on my period okay! Is that what you want to hear! Blood is flowing out of me! I was trying to attend to it!" I yell.

They all are embarrassed with the way their faces turn pink while Luciano just coughs and walks away.

" Well I hope you -" I just make this 'ugh' sound and slam the door.

I go to the and strip remembering today is school. Oh well might as well have a dangerous reputation.

I see blood flowing down my legs and clam them together. So today is actually the period date.

" Oh no" I quickly shower and scrub my skin gently. Any time I'm on my period it's never good.

My eyes are always deep gray and I get seriously angry and annoyed.

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