"*7: Smile*"

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                     Isabella's POV

" Thanks guys. I love it. Although I would have preferred sitting down together and watching a movie but I love the fact that you put in effort to do it. Thank you" I sincerely said and I smiled.

I turned because I heard the clicking of a camera.
" I've been waiting for a week to see you smile and now I have seen it and it was worth the time " said Apollo.

" It's okay dear. You deserve the best" lily said.

" Now everyone sit down; let's enjoy this feast" Arlo said.

We sat and began eating. It was a simple chicken and rice with salad but it was delicious. Then Ap rose and raised his drink and did a toast.

" To Isabella's recovery and Arlo's recovery that added a little bit of brains for him" he said and everyone laughed at a sulking Arlo.

" Cheers!"


It's been a week now. Everything is better I think. I'm at school but the boys didn't come some mafia issue made them stay back.

I'm walking through the hallways after ditching class. School sucks I wish I was racing or doing some graffiti.

Just then I was harshly pulled into the girls bathroom. I looked up and to my horror my foster parents friends were all around me with wicked grins on their faces.

" Well well you thought you'd run away from us like that? I think we have to teach you a lesson on Simon and Jane's behalf"

⚠️ Torture and rape scene ahead ⚠️

Before I could scream one of them gagged me with a rag and the others grabbed my arms and legs and held me down.

I knew this was to come so I started thrashing in their hold and then I was slapped in the face. I felt my jeans coming down and my panties also coming down. I couldn't do anything so I began to cry maybe someone would here me.

Before I could register what was happening one of the men slammed into me. I felt my thighs rip in half.

" P-pmleamse stop" I begged and pleaded, but it only seemed to hype them more.

After a while he came out of me and I was in immense pain but I couldn't relax as I felt another one slam into me.

I went on for a while until they had enough and started beating me up with sticks that I just realized were there.

I screamed I felt them carve me on my back and stab the small knife into my shoulder.

One of them slapped me and stepped on my ribs I heard it crack a bit.

I thought it was over but they were just getting started. I felt hot cigars burn on my exposed thighs.

" Mhahm" I screamed but the gage was stopping me. They weren't even through, they started hitting me and I just stayed limped thinking they would leave.

"You better come back home or else this will be happening frequently" Tim said and left with the guys.

⚠️It's over⚠️

I scooted to the wall and layer here. The pain was to much I felt like I was dead. I can't tell anyone about this I don't want anyone to worry about me.

By the time I came out it was already school over. Since the hallways are empty I went to the girls changing room and took a shower and left the wounds open and changed into the clothes I saw and went out limping.

I looked at the mirror to see the damage and it was bad. Bruised ribs,new open wounds and I think I see some carvings on my back and I huge line on my stomach.

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