| Blaming You |

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Carter Leaves for Paris


Driving him to the airport was hard, we almost held hands the entire way. Carter cried when we finally made it. This would be our first time being apart in almost a year. Lately, he was more clingy than usual but I loved every bit of it. I held him as tight as I could. "You are about to go to Paris with your mom and have an amazing time. I will be here, missing you like crazy."

He lifted his face up, wet from tears. "I love you sooo much, and how you made Lewis confess what he did to me, paying for me to go to Paris, helping me love myself again...I just love you." He lowered his head again crying.

I giggled, my baby was really going through it at these people airport. "Baby, it's okay...you deserve all that and more. I love you too, now come on before you miss your plane."


When I made it back home, it was weird. I instantly missed Carter's presence. The condo was too quiet. He pulled the plate of food out the oven that Carter left and warmed it in the microwave. Then sat down on the couch. There wasn't much in tv so he just called it a night. The next morning he was awakened by someone knocking loudly on the door. It was 8:30 in the morning. Who the hell could this be? He didn't bother putting on a shirt, he answered the door in his briefs. He rubbed his eyes.

"Brianna?" She had cleaning stuff in her hands and a big smile on her face.

"I'm your cleaning lady, I knew I recognized this neighborhood." I stepped aside and let her in.

"Carter won't believe this," I closed the door behind us.

She bit her lip looking at me. "It already looks good in here, you sure you need me?"

"Carter, cleaned up hood before he left."

"Carter, he is adorable. Where'd he go, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Paris, it was his birthday gift."

"Damn, wish my nigga sent me to Paris." She put her stuff down.

"Are you in a relationship,"

"Yeah, two years now." She said nonchalantly.

"You were in one when we um..."

"Yes I was,"

"Is it a open one?"

"We were on a break then and even if we weren't I wouldn't have passed up the opportunity to experience that night. That shit was a movie, you both catered to my body very well."

I shook my head smiling. "Well, like I said Carter already cleaned up in here before he left. I can still tell her you were here for your scheduled time and I will tip you."

"Fine with me, thank you." I went to get my phone and sent her money through Zelle.

"I'm suppose to come Friday also, you need me to come or no?"

"Yes, please come Friday, I'm sure I will need you by then."

She opened her arms for a hug and I gave her one. "Tell Carter fine ass I said hello and I'll always think of you two." She gave him a flirtatious smile.

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