Chapter 43

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2 years later:

Dean was now 10 years old and was in fourth grade at Odgen International School. Today Dean had his last day of school before summer vacation.

"And? What are you doing for summer vacation?" Macy asked as they left the classroom. "I've given up asking. 2 years ago, we were in Los Angeles for 11 weeks. Last year we flew to Brazil for 2 weeks and then to Chile for another 2 weeks. This year I'm in for a surprise. Let's see what they've come up with." Dean said as he stuffed his school books from his locker into his school bag. "Why do we always have to clear out our lockers? We'll get the same ones again next school year anyway." Julian said and shouldered his school bag. "Next year we'll be in fifth grade, which means middle school." Jasper said. "So what? We're staying here, aren't we?" Julian asked. "No, we're moving to a new campus." Dean said. "That too." Julian said. It was backing up outside in the school parking lot because everyone wanted to drive off at the same time or had to be careful not to run over any school children. "Isn't your brother coming to pick you up?" Nia asked. "No, he has to work." Dean said. "Do you want to ride with us? I mean, the firehouse is practically in front of our driveway." Nylah said. "Oh yes, please. If it doesn't bother you." Dean said. "What. Come on." Nia said. The three said goodbyes to their friends and headed to the crowded school parking lot. "Mom. Can Dean ride with us. His brother works and the firehouse is right across the street." Nylah said. "Yes, of course. Get in." Nia and Nylah's mother said. "Thank you, Mrs. Singh." Dean said. "Call me Amiesha." Amiesha said. "OK. Thanks." Dean said. "So how was your last day of school?" Amiesha asked. "Great. We practically didn't do anything anymore. Just tidied up and sorted out." Nia said. "Yes. Next year we'll be in middle school and then we'll change campuses." Nylah said. "I just hope we all get back in the same class. Or at least a few of us." Dean said. "Yeah, I hope so too." Nia said. "I'm sure you'll be in the same class again. There won't be so many new 5th graders that you'll all be separated." Amiesha said. "Hopefully." Nia said. "And Dean. What are you doing for the summer holidays?" Amiesha asked, changing the subject. "I don't know yet. Let's see what they have in store for me this year." Dean said. "We visit our family in India. I'm really looking forward to it." Nylah said. "Isn't it that hot out there at this time of year?" Dean asked. "It is. But our grandparents live in a huge house with air conditioning and a pool." Nia said. "Sounds great." Dean said. "We can send you pictures, right Mom?" Nylah asked. "We can." Amiesha smiled.

They stopped in front of the firehouse. "Huh. Why is the gate closed?" Dean asked, a little irritated. "Maybe they're on a call?" Amiesha asked. "But then the gate wouldn't be closed." Dean said. "Should I wait here and you go see. If they're not there, you can come over to us." Amiesha said. "OK. Thanks. I'll go have a look." Dean said and got out of the car. Dean ran to the entrance of the station. Suddenly the door opened and two men came out. "What are you doing here?" one of the men asked. "I want to see my brother. He works here." Dean said. "You stay here." Amiesha said to her daughters and got out of the car. "Is there a problem?" Amiesha asked. "They won't let me in," Dean said. Now Kelly also came outside. "Hey, leave him alone." he said. "What's going on here?" Dean asked. "I'll explain later... Is it possible that Dean can stay with you today. Only until the evening?" Kelly asked. "Yes, of course." Amiesha said. "Dean listen, you stay with your friends, okay. I'll come pick you up tonight then." Kelly said. "Okay." Dean said, a little annoyed. "Thanks." Kelly said. "No problem." Amiesha said and went back to the car with Dean. "What happened?" Nia asked as they both got back in the car. "I don't know." Amiesha said. "These guys wear an FBI badge around their necks." Dean said. "And what does that mean?" Nylah asked. "No idea. Probably, once again, 51 will be used as a prime location for some FBI investigation." Dean said. "Then I suggest you stay indoors today. Even if the weather is nice." Amiesha said. The three kids nodded and Amiesha started the engine.

"What the hell was that? You are endangering the entire mission with your behavior." one of the FBI agents said. "Why me. I'm not wearing an FBI badge and walking out the door." Kelly said. "Hey. What's going on here?" Chief Boden asked. "Dean was here and the two of them had nothing better to do than scare him." Kelly said, sitting down in his chair. "Where is he now?" Boden asked. "I sent him to two of his school friends." Kelly said. "And do you know where the school friends live?" the other FBI agent asked, standing at the gate and looking out. "Yeah, right across the street." Kelly said. "Exactly. And do you know who else lives there?" the FBI agent asked. Kelly and Chief Boden looked at each other and then at the two FBI agents. "Our two main suspects." the FBI boss said, who now also came into the vehicle hall. "Wait. The guy who shot two of your men and then blew up a school in Michigan?" Cruz asked, who came into the garage with the others to see what was going on. "Many families with children live in the residential building." Herrmann said. "Yes. And now Dean, too." Kelly said. "What?!" Stella asked in horror. "Something's happening out there." an FBI agent shouted. "You stay here." the FBI boss said and went to his colleague at the gate. "I'm not just sitting here while Dean and his friends could be in danger over there." Kelly said and was about to get up, but Chief Boden blocked his way. "You keep your feet still." Boden said. Kelly sat back down and crossed his arms. "Chief. You know the neighborhood. How do we get into the building without attracting attention?" the FBI boss asked. "I think I know something." Matt said. Kelly looked at his best friend and knew immediately what Matt was thinking. "All right then. Then tell me." the FBI boss said. "We'll fake a fire alarm and get inside the building." Matt said. "And how do you imagine that?" the FBI boss asked. Matt chuckled and Kelly pulled out his phone. "We have an assistant over there." Kelly said. "No outsiders." the FBI boss said. "Then think of a way to get into the building unnoticed." Matt said, and went inside with the others. "All right then. What's the plan?" the FBI boss asked. Kelly pulled out his phone and called Dean. After the call, Matt told the FBI his plan. "Dean's about to ring the fire alarm. After that, we behave like we would go on a normal call." Matt explained. "And how do we get in?" one of the FBI agents asked. "Lieutenant Severide and Captain Casey will be the leaders. You will all put on their firefighting gear and get into the building." Chief Boden said. The others helped the agents put on their gear. 5 minutes later the fire alarm was heard. "Come on then." one of the FBI agents said. "Wait. We only have 30 seconds to get our gear on and get in the vehicles." Matt said. Chief Boden opened the gates. "Now?" an FBI agent asked impatiently. Matt waited another 2 seconds. "Now." Kelly said. Everyone got into the vehicles and drove off. Arrived at the residential building, many families were already outside. "Kelly. Was that right?" Dean asked uncertainly as they emerged from the building. "You did very well. And now you'd better stand as far away from the building as possible." Kelly said. "What's going on?" Dean asked. "No worries. It'll be fine, I promise." Kelly said. "Come on Kids." Amiesha said. "Hey, what's going on here?" Sunil asked, Nia and Nylah's father. "Daddy." the two girls called. "Hey. It's nice that you're here." Amiesha said and gave her husband a kiss. "Hey Dean... are you alright?" Sunil asked. "Yes. We're fine." Amiesha said. "Daddy. The FBI is in there." Nia said. "And Dean's brother." Nylah said. "The FBI? Why is that?" Sunil asked. The 4 shrugged. The situation in the building was tense. The two main suspects shot two agents, took Kelly and Matt as their Hostage and barricaded themselves in an apartment. Suddenly there were gun shots fired.

The FBI agents who were still at the firehouse came running, fully equipped, and walked slowly and carefully into the building. "What happened?" Boden asked, who now joined them. Dean just shrugged. Boden put his hands on Dean's shoulders, making him feel like everything was going to be okay. Suddenly there were more shots fired, but this time very close by. A few minutes later the front door opened and Matt and Kelly came out. Dean immediately ran towards them. "You scared me." Dean said in a shaky voice. "I know. We're sorry." Kelly said in a calm voice. "Are you okay?" Boden asked. "Yeah, we're fine." Matt said. Kelly thanked Amiesha and Sunil for taking care of Dean and then went back to the firehouse with the others. "Thank God you're okay." Stella said and hugged Kelly.

After shift, everyone headed straight home. When they got home, Dean put his school bag on the shelf and took off his shoes and jacket. "Do you guys ever have a quiet shift without any incidents?" Dean asked and sat down on the couch. "Not really." Leslie said. "What do you have planned for this summer?" Dean asked. "To be honest, nothing. We're staying here in Chicago and enjoying the nice weather." said Kelly. "Also good. Then I don't always have to get up so early in the morning." said Dean.

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