Chapter 19

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"Look, Kelly is worried about you. He just wants you to feel comfortable." Seager said. "I know, but you don't understand. Everything is new to me. Nobody has ever been interested in me. I don't even know how to deal with it." Dean said put his face in his hands. Seager put her hand on Dean's shoulder. "I know the boy in the picture." Dean said, wiping the tears from his face. "Do you want to tell us what happened?" Captain Hubble asked. Dean took a deep breath. "Take your time." Seager said gently, stroking his back. «The boy's name is Keaton, unfortunately I don't know his last name. He's in 7th grade and bullies anyone who gets in his way." Dean said. "Would you trust him to set a fire?" Captain Hubble asked. Dean shrugged his shoulders. "Can you tell us what exactly you saw before the explosion occurred?" Captain Hubble asked. "I would like to, but I don't remember." Dean said desperately and struggled with breathing problems again. "Dean, hey Dean, take a look at me ... and now do it like me, breathe in ... and breathe out ... the same way ... breathe in ... breathe out." Seager tried to calm him down. Dean breathed in and out a few times and slowly, he calmed down again. "The smallest detail could help us." Seager said. Dean thought for a moment and then could remember a few details. «I had to go to the bathroom. So, I went downstairs because the toilets in the entrance area were in the process of being renovated. When I came downstairs, I had to pass the chemistry lab to get to the toilets" Dean said. "Well done, take your time." Seager said, and Hubble made notes. Dean closed his eyes. "When I came downstairs and headed towards the toilets, 3 boys came towards me who had just come out of the chemistry lab." Dean remembered. "Did you know the boys?" Seager asked. "No, but they always hang out with Keaton in the schoolyard. I suppose they are in the same class." Dean said. "What happened then?" Seager asked. "As I passed the chemistry lab, I suddenly felt dizzy and then suddenly went black. After that I only know that I woke up in med and that Connor and the new doctor were talking to Kelly outside." Dean said. "Wait, you passed out before the explosion?" Seager asked in surprise. "I think so, it could also be that I passed out with the explosion. I don't know exactly anymore." Dean said. «Ok, I think that's enough for us. You helped us a lot." Captain Hubble said and wanted to get up, but Dean held her arm. "Please don't let anyone know that I was talking." Dean said, scared. «Don't worry, nobody will find out from us. We'll treat it all anonymously." Captain Hubble said. "But I suggest that you tell your brother now what exactly happened." Seager said. «I am of the same opinion. He's worried and to be honest, I've never seen Severide as caring as he is with you." Captain Hubble smiled. Dean nodded. "Come on, we're going back inside." Seager smiled. When the three came back, the others were sitting in the common room.

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