Chapter 41

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The next morning, as always, Dean was woken up by Kelly. Tiger lay at the foot of the bed and slept. "Good morning." Kelly said, pulling up the blinds. "Morning." Dean said, yawning and stretching. "Did you sleep well?" Kelly asked. Dean rubbed his eyes and nodded. "Good. Then get dressed and come down for breakfast.” Kelly said. "Ok." Dean said and yawned again. Meanwhile Tiger was awake and sat next to Dean. "Good morning, Tiger." Dean said and scratched his head. Tiger lay down on his lap and had a good time. “No, tiger. I can't cuddle with you now. I have to go down for breakfast and then to school." Dean said. He took Tiger in his arms and went downstairs with him. "Good morning, Dean." Stella and Shay said. "Good morning." Dean said and let Tiger down. Dean gave Tiger something to eat and then sat down with the others at the kitchen table. "So, what's on your scheduled today?" Stella asked. "English, geography and math." Dean said. "I think English and geography are fine, but math." Shay said. "I don't think math is that bad. We have a cool teacher who helps us when we get stuck." Dean said. "It would be nice if I had a teacher like that, too." Shay said. "It would be boring if all teachers were like mine." Dean said. "Come on, I'll drive you to school. Get your school bag." Kelly said. Dean put his dishes in the sink and went upstairs. Tiger followed him. "Tiger has already chosen his favorite, hasn't he?" Stella asked as she washed the dishes. "Yes. I just hope he can get by without him for a few hours." Shay said as she dried the dishes and put them in the cupboards and drawers. "We'll see." Kelly said, taking the car keys from the bowl by the front door. "Dean, hurry up. You'll be late otherwise." Kelly shouted. "I'm coming." Dean said and ran down the stairs. Dean put on shoes and jacket and shouldered his school bag. "Here. Have a nice day." Stella said, kissing him and handing him his lunch box. "Thanks. Bye Leslie." Dean said. "Bye Dean. Have fun." Shay replied. Kelly opened the sliding door of the van and Dean got in. "Kelly. Where are Matt and Sylvie anyway?" Dean asked. "They left early this morning because they have a house tour." Kelly said. "But I thought they were staying with us?" Dean asked. "It's their decision and we have to respect it." Kelly said. “All right. I'm still sad." Dean said and let his head hang in disappointment. Kelly pulled into the school parking lot and turned off the engine. “Hey, listen. We'll talk to you again." Kelly tried to cheer him up. Dean nodded and got out of the car. "Have a nice day." Kelly smiled. “Thank you.” Dean said and ran over to his friends. Kelly looked after him, shaking her head.

While Dean was in class and listening attentively to the teacher, he suddenly felt his school bag move. Dean carefully reached into the school bag. "Dean, what are you doing?" Mrs. Fletcher asked. "Nothing at all. I just had to scratch my leg." Dean lied. Mrs. Fletcher went on with her explanation. When the students were working independently, strange noises were suddenly heard. “Okay, who was that?” Mrs. Fletcher asked. Nobody answered. Mrs. Fletcher noticed Dean's school bag move. "Dean. What's in your school bag?” Mrs. Fletcher asked. "Nothing." Dean said. Mrs. Fletcher came to Dean's table. At the same moment Tiger curiously stuck his head out of his schoolbag. "Dean! What's that?” Mrs. Fletcher asked. "That's Tiger." Dean said. "And what is Tiger doing here?" Mrs. Fletcher asked, crossing her arms. Dean shrugged. “All right. We're going to the headmaster now and there we'll tell your brother to pick Tiger up.” Mrs. Fletcher said. Dean nodded. "Good. And you all, please keep working on your math homework.” Mrs. Fletcher said and left the classroom with Dean.

At home, Kelly was putting away Dean's toys when his phone rang. "Yes, hello...yes...ok...yes, I'm on my way...thanks for calling...see you later." Kelly said, ending the call. "What's going on?" Stella asked. "Don’t ask. Dean somehow managed to take Tiger with him." Kelly said. "He what?!" Stella asked. "Yes. I'm going to pick up Tiger now. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to buy Dean a pet right now." Kelly said, scratching the back of his head. While Kelly got ready to drive to school, Stella gathered up Dean's dirty laundry and took it downstairs to the laundry room. "See you later." Kelly said, kissing Stella. "Yeah, see you later and don't be too hard on him." Stella said. "Why should I. I find it amusing what he keeps coming up with." Kelly said and left the house.

20 minutes later there was a knock on the office door. "Come in." Mr. Sanders said. The door opened and Kelly walked in, the cat box in hand. "Hello, Mr. Sanders." Kelly said, shaking hand with him. “Hello, Mr. Severide. I'm glad you could come so quickly.” Mr. Sanders said. "Yes. I have to apologize for Dean's behavior. I promise it will never happen again." Kelly said. "All right. I've been through a lot, but even I'm new to a student taking their pet with them." Mr. Sanders said. Kelly put the cat box on the floor and Dean put Tiger, who has since fallen asleep on his lap, in the box. "Sorry Kelly." Dean said. "All right. We'll talk about it again at home." Kelly said. He said goodbye to everyone and left the office. Back in class, the others had already finished their homework. "All right then. Dean, you finish the math at home." Mrs. Fletcher said, continuing with the lesson. After class, Dean was picked up by Matt and Sylvie. "Is Kelly mad at me?" Dean asked. "No, he's not mad." Matt said. "Then why are you picking me up?" Dean asked. "Kelly had to do something and we heard that something was bothering you." Sylvie said. Dean bowed his head shyly. "Listen. We've decided not to move out." Matt said. "Really?" Dean asked. "Yes. We looked at a few apartments but didn't like any of them. In addition, they were all too small, so we didn't really have room for visitors.” Sylvie said. "That's why we're staying with you for now." Matt said. "Cool." Dean said, hugging Matt.

When they got home, Tiger was sleeping in his basket in the living room. "He's still asleep." Dean said. “It's normal for a cat. They spend 60% of their lives sleeping." Stella said. “That's boring. Does that work for humans too?" Dean asked. "I wish." Shay laughed. When Kelly got home, they sat down at the kitchen table and talked again about what happened at school. “You know that pets are not allowed in the school. Unless the teachers let you take your pets with you." Kelly said. "I know. But what happens to Tiger when none of us are home? Then I have to take him with me, otherwise he'll be all alone." Dean said. "Listen. Cats can take care of themselves just fine." Shay explained. "Yes. And besides, he can play outside all day.” Stella said. "But if you guys are working and I'm with the Herrmann’s, who's going to feed him?" Dean asked. "I got something for" Kelly said, placing what appeared to be a SodaStream on the table. "What's that?" Dean asked, examining the device. “That, my dear, is an Automatic Feeder. That means we can set the timer to feed tiger at the same time every day." Kelly explained. "And what about refills?" Dean asked. “We can do that when we are at home. But the device has a capacity for about 3-5 days. So, we don't have to refill it every time." Kelly said. "And that pouch, inside the lid, keeps the food fresh." Stella said. “Ok.” Dean said and put the device where the food bowl was before. "What about water?" he asked. "Oh, we have something for that, too. Here, it has a capacity for about 7 days and works like a fountain.” Kelly explained and placed the water fountain next to the feeder. Dean filled the food and water into their respective devices and, with Matt's help, set the timers. After that, Dean did his homework and then went upstairs to his room to play.

You deserve a better life (English)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora