Chapter 20

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Third Person(Flora's POV)

Trigger Warning: Non-Consensual touching, Body horror , if uncomfortable but you still want to read the chapter, I'll make sure to keep the trigger warning in bold (like the other trigger warnings)

Deep in the East library all was silent except for a cry. Flora stood in the middle of the library; She cries out for Melissa, begging to see her; feel her. After the sudden disappearance of Melissa, she hadn't been quite the same.. Her beautiful laughter would echo across the empty, hollow library walls. There in front of her stood Melissa with a soft smile on her face. Flora ran to her but slipped onto the ground. There were tears in her eyes, soft cries pleading for Melissa.

"My love, please come out... Let me see your beautiful face, those lovely eyes.. Let me see the angel that stole my heart.." Tears form a puddle, and a dark chuckle echoes throughout the library. Flora looks to see a man. Soft pale skin that glowed softly; white hair that blew in the breeze. One pale green and the other purple eye. He smiles cruelly towards her, looking down.

"What if I can make your wish come true? Do you really wish to see Melissa again?" Flora nods and he reaches his hand out.

"Give yourself to me, and you shall see your beloved again.." Flora hesitates, she has to think of her sisters. Her precious sisters that she has been protecting. They would be taken care of by their perspective lovers. It still wasn't a good idea, but she knew they would be safe. Deep down, Flora was denying the truth deep inside her heart. She would do anything to see Melissa once more, even if it meant her death. Flora reaches out for his hand, and the clang of swords echo.

She looks up to see a beautiful woman, raven black hair with icey orange eyes. The man glares at her, and the woman pushes her back. Flora watches them argue in a unknown tongue, while their swords continue to clash. The man then cut the woman's face, resulting in gold blood dripping. She now aggressively pushes her sword against his, pinning to a corner. She put her sword toward his neck, and he stared at her hatefully.

"*You bitch, do you realize what this will mean for us?" She presses her sword even more, resulting in red blood dripping from his neck.

"*You should be aware that our lives will be taken whether we do this or not.." They continue to sword fight, and she hears soft singing in the distance. Flora follows the soft singing. She goes down a dark path. Flora hears the singing get more and more louder till she stops in front of a door. She sees the door open and is led down to a garden full of flowers. A soft chuckle stops her, and sees Barnaby in front of her. She felt her back ache watching him circle her. A sinister grin grew on his lips, and she stared at him.

"Oh are you looking for Melissa?" She shakes her head, and tries to back away. He gets closer to her, and lifts her chin.

"Oh Flora, sweet Flora you never change. You look so beautiful, so naive. Did you really believe Melissa would come back for you?" His tone mocked her, and she tried to glare at him. He loved to stare at her, she's so beautiful and so easy to tease. That mistake was worth it, the universe was giving him another chance. She was now in the palms of his hand, one more step and he'll call her his and she'll call him hers. He begins to murmur soft words under his breath, and watches her fighting the words. Flora tries to fight the control that he has over her body. Tears well in her eyes, and she was unable to move.

'No I have to fight this for her, for Melissa..' She was crying out for Melissa but slowly the control was winning.

"Flora, give in to the pleasure.." She managed to turn her body away from him, still resisting.

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