Chapter 17

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Flora's POV

I looked around me only to a dog, a small English cocker spaniel jumping up for my attention. The cocker spaniel ran, and I followed it into the garden. A voice yelled out for me, and I turned around and saw a child that resembled Melissa. We both ran and in a flash; I was now in front of the mirror. I was brushing my hair and I felt hands over my eyes. I took them off and looked around to see Melissa. She had a very plain dress but looked beautiful either way. She leaned in and kissed my lips. Soft and warm, I wrapped my arms around her, and feel my stomach move around. When I opened my eyes I found myself in a carriage.

She holds my hand in comfort, and I hold onto her too. I had felt my head begin to throb, coming with a painful headache. I closed my eyes and found myself looking at Melissa who was crying. tears filled those beautiful blue eyes of hers. Before I could run to comfort her, I realized I was trapped in a room with a big window. I tried to open the door to no avail. I tried not to look but feel my body being pushed to the window, forced to watch Melissa being tied to a stake. Tears fell from my face as I saw her stare at me. 

A man appeared and threw the fiery torch. The man's eyes had a sadistic glimmer and I watched helplessly as flames grew big, hearing her screams of pain. I tried to break the window, hoping to save her but I awoke. The glass reflected and I saw not my own reflection but another. I gasped, and the door opened.

"Lady Honora, the Lord is waiting for you." My eyes opened and realized it was just a nightmare. I looked at the books that Briar had given us, and thought about the words that Jack told me.

'You were mine from the start Flora, you were made to be mine, stop trying to fight destiny. I have lived and died for you, and will continue to.' What does he mean? He has lived and died for me? I remember the order that she told me to read the books, so I opened the very first one. Words written in cursive, and it was very neat.

"Love is so powerful that it can go through several lives, may my love and I meet in our next life.." I raised an eyebrow but continued to read. I turned the page and saw it was a diary entry. It was of a duchess named Honora, and I remembered the name I was called. I was looking at life through her eyes.

It had appeared my mother and father had gotten me a book to write about my life. I am forced to confide in you, hoping that thy trust will be kept forever. Though I desirest a friend who will listen to me, may this wish be answered. It had ended and I continued to read the other entries. It seemed like she was lonely, but made a friend with her now personal servant Melissa. I sighed and looked at the portrait of Honora that was painted.

Dark skin that bloomed in the sun rays, eyes that were clear like a pool of water. Soft curls combed and lavished with flowers, a smile as bright as a diamond. She resembled a cherub, she was beautiful. I looked at the door and got dressed. I quickly walked out of the room, and walked down the dark hallway. I now stared at the library door, opening it. I walked inside and saw Melissa staring outside the window.

My heart pounded, wondering if she was human would she have noticed me? I cleared my throat, and she turned around. I felt a cold touch, and felt her body now pressed against mine. Before I could say anything, I soon felt skin around me. Her arms wrap around my waist. I gasped when I realized it, soft lips met mine. I felt her lips trying to kiss me, but was unable to. I chuckle, and pull her off of me. She stared at me, and her sea blue eyes made me melt. I pulled her in, and she tried to lean but I put my finger on her lips.

"Melissa I have a question.. Who is Honora?" She looked at me confused, and I put her hand on mine.

"Do you know amore?"

"Nescio- *I do not know*.." I nod and look at her dazed gaze. She looked so numb, it appeared the name had lit on a switch. I tried to touch her once more, but she glared at me. My heart began to hurt, and she shook her head.

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