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 Hello everyone. I would like to notify and warn those that this book contains trigger warnings. For those that get triggered with


_Emotional/Physical abuse

_Mentions of  se^ual encounters( non-consensual)  

Mentions of trauma/ reliving trauma

If any of these things trigger you or make you uncomfortable then I suggest that you do not read. I will leave trigger warnings to warn beforehand if you still wish to read, and let you know where the triggering content starts and end. The characters and events remain as fictional alongside the actions of these characters. Remember you are beautiful, and you have self worth. You are worthy as a human being, and deserve to be treated as such. Have a good day/night wherever you are, and may your life be filled with love, joy and more as you deserve. 

Oh also here is this cute frog with a flower!! <)

Oh yes another note, my niece helped me with the story soo I give credit where credit is due. So this is kind of her work too. If you have any constructive criticism, please let me know where, thank you. 

Walls of Roses and Luxury(Being Edited)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat