Chapter 19

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Inesa's POV

Trigger Warning: Small mentions of Depression, and suicidal thoughts

I looked around my class. I felt someone burn holes behind me directly at my head. I turn around to see Elizabeth who was sitting with Blaise and Eden. Eden looked at me, and winked. My face was getting hot so I turn around and continue with my work. Before I realize it, the bell had already rung, and I pack up my things. I saw Briar who was waiting for me outside, and a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned around to see Blaise. He smiles, and I try to not to shudder as a chill runs down my spine.

"Little Star, do you want to hang out after classes end?" I shake my head. I was unable to say anything. I watch his eyes slowly convert into a shade of soft pink. 

"Why not? Are you busy afterwards?" I try to think of an answer but was unable to, and see his eyes slowly change to green. I gulp and another hand grabs my other wrist. I saw Briar, who pulled me out of his grip. She smiled softly, and I feel thankful. 

"Um, yeah I made plans with my roommates.." Blaise nods, and he smiles toward me. I try to say bye to him and Eden but Briar pulls me away. I look back to see Eden. I wanted to go to talk with her but I feel Blaise's eyes burn holes through my back with each step I take. I follow Briar who was lecturing me. 

"What did I tell you Inesa? You have to be careful with all of them. No matter how sweet they look, you still have to be careful." I nod, thinking about Eden, and how they looked at me. Briar stops and hugs me.

"Look, I care about you and your safety. I know they're nice and all, but look at Blaise. Does he make you feel comfortable?" Her tone made me feel a little better but still didn't ease my mind. I nod, and look at Briar. 

"I know its hard but you need to be careful.. please if not for my sake but your sisters." I bit my lip, and felt slightly guilty. I have to do my part, so my sisters don't suffer. For my sisters happiness and safety; I will whatever I can. Now the information that my sisters got were only diaries but how do the diaries help us figure out Melissa's reason to stay on Earth? The library could help me alongside Melissa.

"Hey Briar, I'm going to the library, do you want to come?" I saw her shudder and shook her head. She walks me to the library, and when I entered, Melissa wasn't anywhere. I try to look for her but she wasn't anywhere.

"Melissa? Where are you?" I didn't see her and remembered that she understood Latin.

"Melissa Hic es?" No words were responding. Deep down I couldn't help but feel something bad had happened to her. Maybe that have resulted in Flora receiving that cattle mark. I hear footsteps and hid behind some bookshelves. The door opens, I peek only to see a couple of students surrounding something. I saw it was two girls, who were shorter than me. One had a black robe hood that covered her face, and I saw her pull it back. Four eyes covered her face, and noticed the long lashes she had.

'Wish my lashes were that long, so pretty.' I noticed how the guys had their backs now towards them, looking away. The other girl got a black lace veil, and placed it on her head. She was wearing all white, with a white hood. She took her hood off and I saw her eyes. Her eyes were so pale as if she was blind. The one with a black veil put a white lace over the other girl covering over her eyes.

'Hmm, I wonder why? Could it be sacred or they don't like others looking at them?' The guys turned around again, now facing them. I saw a familiar face, and saw it was Elizabeth and Eden. Eden looked bored, while Elizabeth looked annoyed.

"Eden, can't you take it more seriously?" I saw them roll their eyes but fixed their appearance. The girls looked at them both, and watched them curtsy towards the pair.

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