Prologue/Part I

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The young woman ran down the dark hallways, screams and yells heard throughout all corners. Splashes of blood decorated the white tile floors, almost creating a painting. The sound of heels clicked on the tile floor, as she continued to make a run for it. At the end of that dark hallway a light shined at the end. Just as the light was getting closer, three men blocked her path holding knives in their hands. One of them lunged at her, she dodged away, kicking the knife out of his hand. Another one tries to get close to her and punches him in the nose.

The third man gets behind her, putting a knife on her neck. She screams, frustrated of trying to him off of her. The woman pushes him into a wall, making sure his head hits the wall various times. Once she feels his grip weaken, she pushes him off of her. The man with a bloody nose lunges; attempting to stab her with his knife. He goes back and forth till she manages to kick him into the other man; resulting in them falling to the floor. She grabs the fallen knife and stabs them both in the back.

Once she saw they weren't moving, she took the knife with her. Footsteps could be heard from the other side of the hallway. A cold chill ran down her spine, and she quickened her pace. Dead bodies were littered across the stairs, and more were on the floor. She began to step over each, till one made her slip and fall. The young woman turned to look behind her only to see her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she saw emerald eyes no longer shine nor did her beautiful caramel skin glow.

The young woman took off her crucifix, and two coins from her pocket. She closed her eye lids and placed the coins on top. The young woman opened her right hand and placed her personal crucifix inside of it. She closed the cold palm and hurried down the stairs. She opened the mansion doors and admired the sweet smelling roses that decorated the plain, grim mansion. A smile of relief placed itself on her lips as she walked straight to the gates. She opened the gates, and walked out.

Loud, thundering footsteps were suddenly a few feet behind her and she began to run. She looked around and found herself in the forest. She continued to run till she spotted a tree to climb. The young woman climbs up, hearing that chilling voice echo throughout the forest. She covers her mouth with hand in an attempt to silence her breathing.

'No I can't get caught, not tonight.'

A hand begins to softly touch her waist, causing her to slowly turn around to see him behind her. A piercing scream escaped her lips, causing her to fall from the tree. Tears fell from her eyes, getting up from the pain. She began to run knowing her legs and back ached, she had to continue to escape from there. The voice got louder and she pulled out her knife just in case. A cold wind was felt in her ear, and she turned around with the knife in her hand.

She looked around only to see no one and when she was about to put her guard down; a rough shove made her back hit the tree causing her to cry out in pain. The young woman fell onto the ground, trying to get back up. A foot stepped on her hand, forcing her to let out a whimper and looking up. He stood in front of her, with an annoyed look on his rouged face. Whimpers and cries for mercy poured from her lips, as he held the knife in his hand. The young man slowly walked closer to her as she tried to push him. She cried out, begging him not to do it but he fell deaf to her pleas.

"It's far too late to beg; you shouldn't have made the mistake of underestimating me."

Her screams echoed throughout the entire forest. He smirked as he watched the young woman taste the bitter, metallic blood in her mouth. Bloodied tears fell from her eyes as she looked up at him. He felt a smile creep onto his face as he saw her cover her eye. They looked at each other one last time, and a sadistic glee filled his heart as he saw that prideful gaze gone only to be replaced with fear. A slash was heard and soon silence filled the quiet forest, only the sounds of crickets chirping filled the air. The smell of blood mixed in the air, allowing all who came near to smell the carnage.

The man kicked the now quiet corpse away from him. A sadistic smirk was now spread on his lips, wiping her blood from his cheek. He walked away leaving her corpse for the scavengers to finish off, and saw a shiny item on the ground. He picked it up, and got his handkerchief to wrap it around it. He put it in his pocket and soon whistled softly to himself.

He arrived at the gate, and opened the door to see everyone chatting happily. As if no carnage nor chaos had ever happened.

"Forgive my absence, let the gathering begin." And soon chatter filled the mansion, violins and other instruments played in the background of chatter of the guests. The young man smiled, greeting each walking to his room. He opened the door to see his treasures and keepsakes, each well taken care of. The young man opened a small bottle filled with liquid, and reached into his pocket. He took out the handkerchief; unwrapping it revealed his keepsake. A bloody green eyeball from that foolish prey of his. A small smirk tugged at his lips, and he put it inside the bottle. The blood slowly began to fall, creating a pool at the bottom of the bottle.

'Now my collection is almost complete.' Satisfaction filled his heart, and put the small bottle on his shelf. He left his handkerchief on the shelf and closed the door behind him. 

Songs: 16 Shots- Stefflon Don, Bury a Friend - Billie Eilish

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