15. Reunion

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"I pick my poison and it's you,

Nothing can kill me like you do." -Rita Ora, Poison


"Leo?" The girl replied equally shocked, so that means they really knew each other. What kind of situation is this? I've never seen that look on Leo's face!

And just as they realized people were staring, they tried to wipe off their expressions.

"You guys know each other?" Hongbin asked tilting his head to the side, clueless. Not that I knew any better, but I held myself back from asking. For some reason I felt that I wouldn't like the answer.

"Y-Yes, we were friends." She quickly replied before Leo could and he looked hurt, his ghostly face was drained of its color. Like really really hurt. Oh god. Don't tell me she was his first love or something. I almost snorted but then it hit me.

HOLY- Could that be his ex-wife?!

"Friends." Leo forced the words out, as if he it was painful to even speak.

I didn't know what to do anymore. There's no way that girl was his 'friend'. They clearly looked they had way more than that relationship. His expression was that of a man with a broken heart. I knew he had his heart broken but this is the first I've seen him act accordingly. He always had such a neutral expression on, I forgot for a while that he had an unhappy past. He always looked...okay. Like he was just fine. Like being divorced from the person you loved was no big deal.

Not that I know about love but I understand Leo a little now. They clearly had a passionate history together and now he's pained by the fact that Sena denied it in a blink.

I noticed I was holding the glass a little too tightly, so tightly that if I hadn't stopped, I'd have broken the glass with that pressure.

I looked down at the glass as the couple sat down on my right. I twirled the glass and watched the liquid ripple inside of it, imagining that a trail of thoughts were being processed in my head in the same manner. I heaved a sigh. Suddenly I wasn't excited anymore. Life wasn't the same as it was a few seconds ago. Rainbows and sun shines. No more. I felt...angry, jealousy and even guilt. Guilt from the fact that as I see Leo give that kind of look to the girl who returns nothing but uncomfortable guilty glances, I wished she'd disappear from the face of the earth and never appear in front of us again. I even surprised myself by such thoughts. I've never felt such hatred towards someone, and I don't even know her! I'm the kind of person who easily forgives people. So what evil spirit is making me wish such things? Or is it that my true self is finally coming out now?

No. It can't be. I'm not that kind of person. I don't hate people for no reason. I'm hating her because Leo is hurt because of her. Because she hurt someone who loved her. Because she threw away something I've desired for a long time. And the fact that she's not even admitting of their past. Surely, it wasn't all bad. Surely she loved him too. At some point. Then why doesn't it show? How could she be at ease when Leo looked like her presence around him is like a slow poison to him? He looked like he was withering away slowly. Little by little. If she had the same expression, I might have forgiven her. But she just looked uncomfortable and bothered. Like she's not pleased with the situation. Like the expression you have when you accidentally step on poop. Who is she to act all high and mighty? Can't she see Leo? And I hate Leo too. How can he be making that kind of expression to that bitch after leading me on last night?

I wanted to cry.

But I held it back.

There's no point.

I felt like if I cried now I'd be crying my whole life. But I don't want that. I'm not going to be unhappy anymore. I've had enough.

I bit my bottom lip trying to keep it from quivering. I'm not going to give up.

"Oh wow I didn't know you guys knew each other. Small world, eh?" Hongbin said with a smug smile but looked pleased. Perhaps because maybe now he knows that Leo won't have any reason to distrust him anymore.

"Food." The old man said suddenly, urging Hongbin to retrieve the food. He looked mildly annoyed, like he wanted to eat and get rid of Hongbin once and for all.

"Yes, sir!" He mocked and ran off to the kitchen.

Meanwhile Sena's boyfriend spoke up to keep the things casual,

"My name is Seo jeong Ho." He said. "I'm a news reporter. You might have seen me." He bragged. I in fact, did recognize him but I was pissed off so I didn't pay attention to him.

When he realized no one was interested in him, he awkwardly tried to change the subject.

"Leo-ssi. Are you and your wife on honeymoon?"

At that, Leo stirred up uncomfortably, glancing at Sena and then quickly looking away. He cleared his throat. "Yes." He said in a small voice. Which seemed to infuriate me even more.

"Yes we are." I said in a much louder, which seemed to startle Mr. Jeong Ho. He nodded in acknowledgement. The whole time Sena remained a neutral expression. I wanted to see if she was bothered by it at all. But she masked her face well, so I couldn't tell.

"Good!" he said, putting his hand over Sena's shoulder possessively. He looked at her with love. I felt even guiltier for wishing her to disappear. This man seemed to love her deeply. Leo flinched at the sight of them and looked down, as if he's avoiding looking at them. "We're getting married soon, too." He said and I observed as Leo's eyes became restless. Like he wanted escape all this. Like he doesn't want to hear any further.

Tears threatened to rise from my eyes, but I barely pushed them back.

I was feeling depressed.

No matter, how bad things were, I never felt this bad. Not even the time when I got 70% from a math exam and my parents ignored me for a week. I thought it was the most painful thing ever but I was wrong. Because watching the man you love, being pained by resurfaced old feelings he had for someone else is worse. I can't even do anything as he suffers by the hands of fate. Hongbin was right, what a small world. And cruel too.

I love him. I love Leo, I realized it now. The thought of him having feelings for someone was making my blood boil.

The tension doesn't ease even when Hongbin entered the scene with plates of food.

"Here you go! Eat and be grateful to me forever."

I gave him a halfhearted thank you as he placed the plate in front of me. I didn't even see what it was. Some kind of sea food.

Everyone dug in their food and so did I. Although I couldn't taste anything. Just like a fever, my senses were numb. My mind was hazy as these new feelings were bubbling inside of me.

"Mmm! This is good!" Jeong Ho said over bites of shrimps.

Hongbin thanked him but he wasn't satisfied. He disliked him. I could feel it. But apparently other people didn't notice.

He looked at me expectantly, raising his eyebrows as if to say 'well?'

"It's good." I said forcing a smile but he caught on. Though he didn't say anything. He seemed to have caught on the tension between me, Leo and Sena too. He just remained quiet but his confused frown said he was thinking about it.

After the awkward meal, the couple excused themselves as Sena looked relieved. But not for long, as we found out that they were in the same hotel as us.

"What a coincidence!" Mr. Jeong Ho said.

Not a coincidence. Just destiny playing a sick, disgusting, practical joke.


Don't you just love me for this rain of updates? xD

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