13. Good Morning

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The next morning I woke up with a slight headache. I've heard about the thing called 'hangover' before. But it was my first time experiencing it. I thought it'd be worse, to be honest. But for me it was just slight pounding inside of my head. When I was young I had migraine problems. So it was nothing I couldn't handle but a bit uncomfortable. But what was even more uncomfortable was when I realized what happened last night. The arm and leg on top of me was enough to bring back yesterday's embarrassing memories.

Oh god.

Well, not everything was embarrassing though, for example when Leo cuddled with me on his own. When I thought he'd be disgusted by my actions. So I guess that means he feels the same way about me? I mean I'm not an expert but surely it was a green light?

I was about to turn around to face Leo when I felt something poking the back of my thigh.

Oh my god.

It better not be what I think it is.

I panicked but I couldn't move in shock.

Calm down, calm down. This is normal for men. Just don't freak out and make the situation even worse.

But Leo moved, to my rescue. He murmured something like 'oh fuck' and removed his limbs from around me. Then I heard him frantically sit up, I guess he realized what position he was in.

"S-Sorry." He stammered, and I bet he was embarrassed. I felt his presence hovering over me, probably to check if I was awake and I heard him let out a sigh of relief when he saw my eyes closed. I pretended to be asleep so he could quietly leave.

Once I heard the bathroom door close, I quickly got up, keeping my hand over my heart which seemed like it was going to burst out of my body any minute now. I mean, I've slept with him for a while now but never have I experienced something like that.

No Miha, don't get any ideas, it's normal for men. It doesn't mean he's attracted to you or something.

But he did cuddle!

Yeah but he was probably drunk and thought you were his ex-wife or something.

No way! He didn't smell like alcohol!

Then my mind wondered off to his bulge... It seemed big...

My perverted thoughts were cut off by once again the bathroom door opening, which made me quickly go back to pretend sleeping.

But I peeked a little and saw him leave the room, all dressed up and in a hurry.

Oh gosh, he must be so embarrassed.

I got up again and this time instead of continuing my perverted guilty thoughts, I got up and took a shower. I probably smelled like alcohol, how on earth did he cuddle with me while I smelled so disgusting. Beats me.

I put on yet another flowery dress. After looking at Jinhee's wardrobe, I'm sick and tired of these dresses. I think my taste is finally upgrading. I'll have to go shopping with her today, after lunch.

Oh yeah, I'm supposed to eat with Hongbin today.

By the time I put on my sunscreen, I was cheery and forgot all about yesterday. Okay, so I was drunk, I made a mistake. He's my husband, so what. If he says something I'll remind him that he cuddled with me so we're even now. But I have a feeling he enjoyed that. So hah, whatever.

I just finished putting sunscreen on my hand when Leo came back, with some drinks. He looked startled when he saw me but didn't say anything.

"Hi" I said bravely.

I don't have to feel guilty. I did nothing wrong. But I felt my face burn just by remembering what happened last night.

And I cursed! What the hell?!

And I just cursed again!

What is wrong with me, seriously!

I think I'm changing.

Not sure yet if it's for the best or worst.

"Hi." He replied nervously, putting down the pack of lemonades on the table. There was a lot of tension in the air and it was killing me. Both of us avoided eye contact like a bunch of guilty criminals. Which was ridiculous but unavoidable.

"Um..." He started but got cut off by a zombie looking Jinhee who walked straight into the room like she owned the place.

"You have some pain killers? I'm dying over here." Her one hand was over her forehead and the other on her waist. Her tone sounded like she was in pain.

I took in her appearance. Her gorgeous attire from last night was changed into Mickey Mouse pajamas and a Winnie The Pooh t shirt. She had no make-up on and her hair looked like she got out of the shower but have left it un-brushed even after drying. Her black hair basically looked like a crow's nest.

"Quit staring. I know I look terrible. Now give me some pain killers if you have some. Jebal."

I opened one of the drawers and found some painkillers. She snatched it from me and was about to storm out when Hongbin appeared and blocked the way.

"Whoa. Who's this cave woman?" He joked as soon his eyes landed on Jinhee.

Jinhee, to my surprise showed him a middle figure and walked away, but not before hitting him with her shoulders. Hongbin only laughed.

"Oh good. You guys are ready for lunch." He looked at us and announced.

"What lunch? What time is it? I haven't even had breakfast!" I protested and my stomach grumbled on cue.

"Well, who told you to sleep so much? Now let's go! I'll give you the chance to taste one of the finest cook's food! Once you taste it, you'll remember it forever!" He grinned and patted Leo on the shoulder, making him flinch. Looks like he still doesn't trust Hongbin yet.

"Fine by me." I was starving.

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