12. Aftermath

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I didn't know how to kiss and I was drunk so you could imagine how well that went. If it wasn't for the fact that he was kissing me back, I'd have just kept my lips on his not moving at all. But he kissed me back. In fact, as soon as our lips collided, he was in charge. His hands left the toilet sides, one went at the back of my head and the other went on my waist, holding me tightly. I was startled at first but I let him. Because it seemed like he knew what he was doing. He nibbled on my bottom lip and something slimy was making its way on my lips, demanding entrance. I almost panicked but then I remembered watching in the movies. The 'tongue kiss' or something. So I parted my mouth and granted him access. He kissed me more passionately. His tongue massaging mine and I felt something form at the bottom of my stomach, other than butterflies. Because by now all the butterflies' wings probably fell off, since they've been fluttering for such a long time. I heard a moaning sound, not sure who it was. It was probably me, but I didn't care about that. I focused on Leo and his delicious mouth that was on mine, right now. Mine. He's all mine. But the pleasant feeling soon disappeared, replaced with a sick feeling. A lump was forming in my throat and I quickly broke away from the kiss. Leo looked at me confused, with his full swollen lips and messy hair. His eyes held confusion but traces of lust was still evident.

When the feeling got stronger I quickly covered my mouth in shame. Oh god. Why now.

I got up from his lap and ran to the sink.

I held the edges with my hands and lowered my head.

And then I disgracefully threw up.

I was so ashamed of myself all I wanted to do was disappear or die. It was so shameful to be throwing up after kissing Leo like that. What would he think of me now? He'd most definitely never even touch me, let alone kiss me like that again. I felt like crying.

But then suddenly my hair was being lifted from the side of my face, gathering behind my head and a bunch of tissues were being offered at me. I quickly took it and wiped my mouth.

"Please get out." I pleaded without looking at him.

He didn't reply instead he opened a little cabinet and produced a little mouth wash bottle. He handed it to me and quietly exited.

I washed my mouth with it five times, then I was contemplating whether I should wash it once more, a light knock was on the door. It was probably Leo. My heart sank. He's probably disgusted with me by now. I wanted to cry right there and then but decided against it. I'll leave it till I go home. Or the hotel, whatever.

I opened the door remaining as neutral as possible. I could feel the alcohol effect leaving my system little by little. And I suddenly felt terrible about the whole thing. What the fuck was I thinking?!

I was greeted by a Leo who was looking at me softly but worry is visible in his eyes. I said nothing.

"Parrot!" Jinhee popped up from behind Leo, I didn't realize she was there and so was Hongbin. He was trying to help Jinhee get her balance.

"Why did she drink so much! She's supposed to be the guide, for god's sake!" Hongbin complained as he was struggling to get her to stand straight.

"I'll take her to the car. She can't stay like this." Hongbin picked her up swiftly bridal style and headed off to the parking lot, and the whole time Jinhee was screaming something about how she was a Jedi and she's Luke's father. Whoever that is.

Then came the awkwardness.

"So..." Leo looked like he didn't know what to say. "Should we go home now?"

"Yeah." I said with a small voice.


As we reached home- or hotel, Hongbin offered to take Jinhee to her room but Leo insisted we go with her as well. I understand where he's coming from. None of us know Hongbin and it won't be safe to trust him with Jinhee since she can't take care of herself right now. So we followed them to her room and watched Hongbin flung her to her bed and putting on the blanket on top of her and the whole time Jinhee slept like a baby.

Afterwards Hongbin made me promise to have breakfast with him in a restaurant. He said he's going to cook especially for us. So I couldn't say no.

As we reached our room, awkwardness took over once again. I didn't know what to make of any of the things that happened. Leo definitely kissed me back. He didn't push me away like I expected him to, unless I was imagining the whole thing. But pretty sure I wasn't. Does this mean he likes me too? Well, if that was the case then he has a funny way of showing it.

I stormed off to the bathroom and changed into something comfortable. Instead of the pajamas, I decide to wear the shorts. Just for the heck of it. I brought the shorts along thinking maybe I won't be able to wear them. When I saw them in the store, it looked silky and soft. I just had to buy them. I was scared of wearing them in front of Leo but now that I've survived an entire night in a tight dress that only went up to my mid-thigh, who the fuck cares if I wore shorts and showed off my legs. We're married for fuck's sake.

I got out the toilet and didn't look anywhere else, I didn't even give a shit what Leo was doing. I hopped on to the bed and immediately went under the blanket. Completely covering myself from head to toe. If Leo won't touch me he can go to hell. I've had enough of this shit. I'll sleep now and think tomorrow. Whether Leo likes me or not, I'll make him take responsibility for the kiss tomorrow. Even if he was disgusted by my action, I don't care. The fact that he kissed me back isn't going anywhere.

I heard the bathroom door close and then the bed dipped next to me. Leo's coming to sleep. He slid inside the blanket and stayed quiet for a long time. Both of us were quiet. I was facing sideways, away from him, so I couldn't tell if he was sleeping or not.

But his next action caught me by surprise, I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me towards him, so my back was in full contact with his torso. I hitched my breath and tried to stay as calm as possible. But that's kind of hard since his breath was fanning my neck which seems to give me all kinds of tingly feelings. And I thought he'd reek of sweat and alcohol since we came from a place like that but no. He smelled like some manly perfume mixed with fresh herbs. Which was weird. He doesn't even cook.

He put one of his legs on top of mine and scooted closer, cutting my thoughts. I didn't object. I swear I thought I was going to die.

 Maybe I'm dead already.

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