10. Dancing in the dark

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"Wohoo! This is awesome! Your choice is really great, Ms. Jinhee!" Hongbin yelled over the loud music as soon as we entered the club. He was like a child high on sugar.

But I hardly heard him because I was too busy staring and taking in the scenery for my virgin eyes. It was lightened dark but with colorful laser lights, giving the full cosmic effect. There was even a few disco balls. The place was packed with people dancing on the dance floor amidst it all. And those who weren't dancing were drinking by the bar. A couple of flashy baristas were pouring drinks and flirting with the ladies. They were handsome so the ladies were giggling instead of being offended, while their husbands were giving them disapproving looks.

Next my eyes wondered up, and realized there was another floor above the one we're on. I stared with my mouth parted, there were tables and booths where people were being served drinks by waitresses. I assumed maybe there was another bar somewhere up there as well but just not visible from where I was standing. But what shocked me the most were the waitresses' attires. They were wearing really revealing clothes while some were even flirting with the customers. My first reaction went something like: Aren't they scared? What if they get fired?! Then I realized maybe they're supposed to do this. Then I instantly felt bad for them.

"AYO EVERYBODY ARE YOU HAVING FUN?!" I was rudely interrupted from my thoughts by a DJ, who I didn't notice existed until now. It was ironic because it seemed like he was the main attraction.

A bunch of people screamed 'YEAH', most of them were from the dancefloor. And then the DJ changed the song to some other similar sounding song. I don't know, I don't understand techno. The loud unfamiliar music bounced off the walls and made it next to impossible to hear any other sounds.

"WE SHOULD GET SOME DRINKS!" I faintly heard Jinhee yell out. I quickly grabbed her hand since she was next to me and allowed her to lead the way. I really didn't want to be alone in a place like this. Especially since everyone here was drinking. And I've heard people act crazy when they're drunk.

Leo and Hongbin trailed behind us till upstairs. Jinhee seemed to know everyone there and she signaled a waitress to assign us to a table.

We were led to a table near the railing so it was possible to watch people dance downstairs and it was also near the glass window so the night sky and the beach view was visible from there. It was truly a magnificent view.

"What would you take?" A pretty waitress in shorts and crop top asked and I felt my throat go dry, unable to speak. I haven't thought this out at all! I should have researched before coming here! I don't know anything about alcohol!

"I'll take champagne." Hongbin replied right away. Like a pro.

"What kind?" The waitress asked in a seductive tone, giving him another flirty look.

"The best one you have." He put his elbow on the table and his palm on his cheek, returning her flirty look.

Oh my, looks like he's enjoying this.

"And you sir?" She turned to Leo.

Heeeey, how come she's only asking the men? And good thing Leo is my husband, because when she shot him a similar look she shot Hongbin, she only got freezing cold gaze in return from Leo. HAH, served her right.


"All right." She pursed her lips in disappointment. I suddenly felt like laughing on her face. Oh my god, ever since I got married I realized how mean I've become. My mother would be so disappointed.

"And you?" She looked straight at me as if she heard my remark about laughing at her face.


"She'll have wine. Cherry one. The one with the lowest amount of alcohol." Leo came to my rescue, making me proud of him. So he knew! Ah...I suddenly felt so glad to have him by my side.

"I'll take the usual!" Jinhee said shortly and the waitress walked away jotting down everything in her little notepad.

"You don't drink?" Hongbin asked at the first chance he got.


"I'll be back." Leo cut off my reply by suddenly getting up and going towards the stairs as I watched him in confusion.

I completely trust Jinhee and Hongbin but I can't help but be hurt by the fact that he just left me with people I barely met.

"What's up with him?" Jinhee asked mirroring my expression.

I shrugged.

"Whatever, leave him! Let's go dance!" Jinhee took my hand, completely ignoring Hongbin and led me towards the dance floor that was on the second floor despite my several attempt to protest. It was smaller than the one downstairs and was less crowded. But visibly equally appealing.

A techno remix version of Danza Kudero was playing and I was glad to finally find some familiarity in the music.

"Come on! Move your body!" Jinhee complained noticing how still I was in the middle of the dance floor.

"Yeah yeah." I said finally making some sort of movement with my body. I just randomly motioned my upper body left and right and did some movement with my hands. It was all so embarrassing because Jinhee went total nuts and started hardcore dancing. I looked like a limped seal next to her. And what the heck she wasn't even drunk or anything.

"HEY! It was rude to leave me behind like that!" An annoyed Hongbin followed us to the dance floor, staring right at Jinhee while saying those words. I guess he was hurt for Jinhee purposely ignoring his attempts, since he seems to be interested in her. I guess he just isn't Jinhee's type.

"Sorry, but I don't want to dance with you. Go find someone else. Or go have a bro talk with Leo or something." She retorted back and then continued dancing wild. Her hair was a mess from all the head bangs and she looked like she was really into it. So Hongbin got the message and started walking away with a pout. To find Leo or something because I watched him go downstairs.

I was so scared of being groped by some random guy because the place was dark and the only light visible was the colorful laser lights bouncing everywhere from the disco ball. I could barely make out Jinhee's appearance and that was only because she was so close to me.

After maybe half an hour of awkward dancing next to Jinhee she announced she was tired and we should go back to our seats.

I couldn't agree more.

But when we went back to our seats, none of the boys were back. Which made me wonder, what the hell are they doing downstairs?!

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