3: A Friend In Flight

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There are times people feel a certain connection to certain strangers. They start talking and something clicks, you know what I mean? You talk to them and you think, whoa, this person is really comfortable to be around. I have a feeling we're going to be great friends.

I've been told by many people that I give off a kind of comfortable vibe, that makes people get along with me easily. So you can imagine... Yes, I'm the person everyone calls at midnight, drunk out of their minds, for a ride. And I'm the kind of person who happily helps out. I'm also the kind of person you call after an heartbreak and talk for three hours straight, even though we barely hang out. I'm also the one to sooth them, no matter how uncomfortable it is for me. I often wondered, if I'm there for everyone, everyone must be there for me too, right? No, That isn't the case. I've learned it the hard way. However, I'm always interested in listening, just like now.

The plane took off safely and I was kind of uncomfortable. It was interesting, but tiring. Since I just met him and all...

For some reason Hongbin decided it was necessary for me to know everything about his life,

"You know since I was the only child my father always fed me alot of meat, saying I have to grow up to be strong and carry on the family legacy. So that's why I'm vegetarian. By the time I was in high school I got so sick of meat, I used to trade my lunch box with my friends veggies. Haha you know what happened the first time when my dad found out I turned vegetarian... "

Aaaaand he continued like this for probably 3 hours.

From what I summarized about his life is that,

-He's vegetarian

-He's an only child

-He's inheriting his family restaurant chain

-His mom used to be a model

-His first dog died on 21st october

-He always wanted a pet turtle but his father never agreed, but he'd name him gary if he gets one one day

-He played badminton in high school for a few month and then quit to be in the drama club

-He studied buisness management in the University and he's (supposedly) also an amazing cook

-He's had 2 girlfriends so far and both of them he broke up with because they were rude (he said he likes pure hearted, nice girls)

I don't want to be mean or anything but I think the reason they broke up with him is because of his talking habit. I bet he doesn't know anything about his girlfriends, since he didn't talk about them at all. Even though he's charming and everything, his talking habit could be problematic.

If I was someone else I'd probably get freaked out by now, since he's a stranger.. but because I was raised with manners, I was actually a really good listener.

He said each and everything in so much details I even know his elementary teachers name. Shin sung hyo.

While listening to all his chatter, I was wondering if I should point out about his habit. Maybe it'd save him face in the future. Wait no, it's impossible that nobody pointed it out before. Besides, it's incredibly rude to do so. I think I'll wait untill he gets tired of talking.

"So Miha-ssi, why are you going to Bali? I told you I'm going there to study their food buisness." I think he ran out of things to tell about himself.

"Me? Oh... Uh.. Well... I'm going on honeymoon."

"What?!" His eyes widen in surprise as he shrieked.

"Uh.. Haha.. Um.. Here is my husband Leo. Um we got married recently." I pointed at Leo on the seat next to mine.

"What the- I never would have guessed." He judgementally stared at Leo and Leo, who was unaware of the whole conversation continued watching Men In Black on his mini screen.

"Yeah.. He's a quite shy person, he's not very affectionate in public." I nervously said, laughing a little.

"No I mean when you sat there I thought you guys were strangers, I never even imagined you knew each other. Please don't mind, I'm just speaking my mind. Don't be offended." he's talking about the bag incident, through which I met Hongbin. Leo didn't even look at me.

"No no offcourse not. You're entirely right. Uh... I'm kind of tired. Do you mind if I take a nap?" I quickly tried changing the subject as a sneaky yawn escapes my mouth.

"Offcourse not. Sorry, listening to all my blabbering must have made you tired. Don't think I don't know that. I'm fully aware of my talkative bad habit haha, but really I think I overdid it today, maybe because it's you? I don't know but its just so comfortable around you. It's rare to find."

Oh so he's aware of his situation. Glad he's not the narcissistic type. Then again, he did help me first. And he's got a bright smile. The kind of smile that makes you feel better when you're having a bad day, which I was. So thank you, hongbin. I think I'm a little more comfortable around him now. He's super cute, in a platonic way offcourse. I'm a married woman now. But if i can't melt Leo I don't how long I could stay married to be honest.

"No, it's just that it's night so I'm automatically sleepy. I feel comfortable around you too. Let's talk more when I wake up?" I offered. It was true, I was interested in becoming friends with him. I'm quite interested in cooking as well.

"Sure! But this time you're the one who'll be talking. You know so much about me so I should know some creepy details about your life too, right?" He said, laughing.

I laughed as well, and joked, "Hey I never asked to know those creepy details about you!"

He winked, "Don't deny it, you loved it."

I felt heat rush to my cheeks but I smiled it off, "You're not funny. Now let me sleep."

"Understood, ma'am! Enjoy your sleep!" He mocked and took his phone out of his pocket to occupy him meanwhile.

I slumped back into my chair and closed my eyes.

Somehow, Hongbin gave me hope. His bright and bubbly personality makes me want to be optimistic about life.

Maybe, just maybe... I can melt Leo and his frozen mask. I don't know what happened between him and his first wife. They married out of love, then how could such a fall out take place? As much as I understand, Leo must have loved her alot... Why they divorced... Nobody knows. I asked mother-in-law, but she doesn't know either. Leo refused to talk about it. He asked to never mention her name either. I'm really curious. What kind of person was she? Was she better looking than me? Obviously. Was she nicer than me? Probably. Did she love Leo like he loved her? Most likely. Then what happened?

It looks like a mystery from sherlock holmes to me.

No. I shouldn't get caught up in the past. I should think about the future. How do I get Leo to like me? Can I like Leo back? How do I know he'll ever like me? Most importantly, why do I have to do this? Can't I just lead a normal life for once? Can't I do what I want for once. But... Is it strange? The more I look at Leo the more I wonder how he looks when he smiles. His frozen face.. I really want to know how he looks with emotions in it. It's like the eighth wonder of the world for me.

He's like a puzzle, I desperately want to solve. A game, I was unwillingly forced into, but now I really want to see how it ends. It's not like I can quit either. So I better try my best, my future is in stake here. If I can get him back to normal, he's actually a good catch.

I wanted to revise through my mother-in-law's seducing strategies but somehow I fell asleep dreaming of a lot of happy things with a faint smile on my face.

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