17. Fixed

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After 10 seconds of complete silence, except the occasional sobbing sounds coming from Sena, Leo spoke,

"It's okay." I could imagine Sena holding the same mortified look as I.

"It's okay?!" Sena spoke my mind. "How can it be okay?! After all I put you through! You should curse me out! Or get revenge on me by telling Jeong Ho!"

"No." He simply said. "I forgave you as soon as I heard you started working on production of a TV show. Do you think I didn't know? All those things you just explained to me? I knew them all. About your mom and dad. And also about how you felt. I'll admit I figured it out too late. The night I came home and you left with all your belongings, leaving a divorce agreement on the kitchen counter-"

"Don't remind me..." She probably cringed.

"Anyway, after you left I drowned myself in work, worked my way to being one of the best lawyers in Korea. I was angry at you for feeling inferior because I honestly thought nothing of it. When you said you weren't taking the exam I thought you simply didn't want to work. But after our divorce, I heard you started working, then some time passed I heard you were seeing people too, I sat down one day and thought hard. What was it that I lacked? Even after hours I couldn't find anything. Then I realized the problem but it was already too late for that and my father arranged my marriage already. But I didn't know what to do so I just remained quiet and stayed out of your life. But I never imagined I'd meet you like this." His voice flowed in ease, all the uncomfortableness and pain that was before now vanished and now they were talking like old friends.

Or...well, you know.

"So you didn't hate me?"

"At first, not anymore though. I'm fine now. Because I have someone else by my side now."

Just that one sentence was enough to bring back my smile. I stopped listening to the rest and went back to bed, but this time with joy.


"Where are we going?"

I watched as Leo packed bottled water and some sandwiches in a backpack. He was wearing a black singlet and white shorts. Which was very strange because I was used to seeing him in jeans and T shirts. When he opened the drawer to get some towels, his biceps- which was visible- flexed and I found myself staring in appreciation.

"Stop drooling."

I jumped at the sudden intervention, causing one of my hand to immediately go to my mouth, to check the validity of the statement.

"I was joking, obviously." Jinhee strolled in from the open door- one again, like she owned the place- and stopped beside me. She scrunched her face in disgust, "Flowery dress? Again?" She asked. "How many do you have anyway? A million?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, a trillion."

She gave me a 'really? That's your comeback?' look and pulled the hem of her plain boring T shirt down almost like a habit. What is she complaining about? Does she look at her clothes?

"Are you ladies done? Or should I come back next year?" Hongbin suddenly walked right in. What is up with people walking in like they own the place? Not even Leo walks in like that and we do own- or rent- the place.

"We're done, dumbass." Jinhee retorted. "Unless you count Leo as a lady."

"One of the finest." Hongbin deadpanned, receiving a glare from Leo as he finally zipped up the backpack.

The car ride was actually fun for a change. Hongbin's 'cuz' and her boyfriend left a few hours before us to Korea. But Hongbin didn't look too hung up on it. In fact he looked relived that we let him tag along with us when we were going to...I have no idea where. I just know it's going to take a while and I'm apparently going to 'love it.' Now the reason I'm saying it was fun was because Hongbin got shut off by Jinhee every time he talked too much. Instead Jinhee took the lead and told us all about myths about the place and interesting stories from her career. She told us how she gets to see hot guys on a daily basis because of the tourism and one time she even had a massive crush on one. Hongbin insisted his stories are better but I disagreed. Leo stayed neutral, which I suppose is because hearing about hot European guys didn't interest him as much as it did to me.

"And then this one time one guy asked me out, he was bathing in money ...but I had to reject him cos he was such an asshole..."

"Booooring!" Hongbin kept interrupting and tried to distract us but we were both strong willed.

"Bro! Let's leave the ladies to their ...silly adventure stories. Let us men play I spy!" He diverted his attention to Leo, who looked like he wanted to kill himself. "I spy something green!" He beamed at Leo and Leo just stared ahead without even blinking.

"Trees?" He said unenthusiastically.

"Yes! How did you know?"

And so on...

I lost count after the first one, thanks to Jinhee occupying me with her adventure tales, but we eventually came to our destination and the car came to a stop.

"Finally..." Leo muttered in relief. Hongbin has the power to get on your every nerve without even knowing.

I finally looked around, getting out of the world Jinhee created, of hot guys and parties. But I wasn't disappointed when I looked up. We were in front of a forest, consisted of tall trees.

"Welcome to Ubud!" Jinhee grinned, her voice filled with pride.

"You live in a jungle? That explains your ..." Hongbin looked at Jinhee from head to toe, "everything..."

Jinhee effortlessly showed him a middle finger again."Ubud Monkey Forest is a place of scientific research as well as a site of spiritual and cultural aspects with temples sanctified by the local villagers deep within its grounds" She sounded like she was reciting a book. "I am." She answered looking at me knowingly.

"That's good for Hongbin. How does it feel to be so close to your kind?" I said mischievously, while Jinhee and Leo laughed. Hongbin just rolled his eyes.

"You're so funny, how do you live?" He asked sarcastically.

I shrugged, "I try to get by."

"Let's go! We want to visit the temple before noon, it takes a while to reach there." Jinhee started taking the lead. But then she turned around and warned, "Be careful of the monkeys. They're always unpredictable."

"Don't worry." I said. "When they see Hongbin, they'll surely leave us alone." I joked, earning a disapproving look from Hongbin.


I was debating whether to give Sena a bigger role in this story but then I thought naah. I don't want the drama, so i'll focus more on the romance and humour.

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