5: Persistent

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"So..." I Awkwardly start. Since we came here we haven't really said anything to each other, just awkwardly having breakfast in silent. I don't even know what we're going to do next. Go to the beach? Go sightseeing? Make babies? I really don't know.

"I'm done eating." He announces and start getting up.

"I'll do the dishes then."I quickly say, sorting the plates. He just nods and goes to the bedroom, leaving me behind alone.

What am I supposed to do now? I mean other than doing the dishes.

I sigh. Why am I so clueless? Why can't I be more cunning? No wonder my own husband won't looks at me. I'm so dumb.

Wait. Leo not looking at me has nothing to do with me being dumb. I always got good grades, I can't be dumb. But I'll make him like me, no matter the cost. Except the drug thing. I can't do it. It feels morally wrong. So I call my new best friend, in hopes of getting a new idea.

"Hello... Why am I being summoned again? I thought by the lame excuse you made last time meant that you don't want my advice?" My mother in law says coldly over the phone. No no no, she cannot abandon me now! She promised me before the marriage that she'll 100% help me win his heart no matter what.

"Please please help me! I don't know what to do! If I don't do something here we'll just spend the rest of our lives like strangers!" The desperation in my tone surprises even me.

"Okay okay calm down. Breath first."

"Okay okay I'm calm."

"Did you actually think I was going to abandon you? My future grandchildren depends on this very important moment. I was just scaring you."

"Oh thank god." I mumble to myself.

"Besides, I kind of knew you wouldn't go with the first plan.. I didn't think you'd be able to pull it off anyway. That's why I had a back up plan."

"Back up plan?"

"Yes. Now litsen carefully. My son.. He might look perfect.. Which he is.. But he has one little flaw that he hates admitting." She pauses. "He's afraid of heights."

"WHAT?!" I scream out in surprise.

"Aigoo my ears!" She whimpers.

"B-But this house! It's basically on top of a cliff! Did you not check before renting it? Oh my god! Poor leo! No wonder he wasn't happy seeing this place when I was basically drooling over it! Then again he never has any expressions so I wouldn't know.. But still! It's terrible! We must move out at once!"

"Shut up, pea brain! I chose that place on purpose!"

"But- Wait what? On purpose? Why?!"

"Idiot because then you could become closer to him! Now tell me where Leo is right now.. Is he in the bedroom?"

"H-How did you know? Yes he is."

"It's his old habit. When he's uncomfortable or in a new place he always goes to the bedroom first. In fact he spends the most time in his bedroom, I thought you'd notice by now. You live with him."

"You're right! I never paid attention to it."

"I'm telling you...considering your position your best shot is to pay excessive attention to these small details. Only then you can accomplish something. Now quickly go to the bedroom and see what he's doing.. I left him a huge surprise there." Saying that she hangs up, not even giving me any chance to reply, instead leaving me dumbfounded.

After I recovering from the state I dwell on the thought whether or not I should follow the command. But it wasn't long before my curiosity gets the best of me and I find myself one knob away from the bedroom door.

The Second Wife [Of Vixx Leo] ✔Where stories live. Discover now