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Jungkook pv:

"Kook you ready?" Jennie noona ask.

"Yes noona" I said getting my luggage.

"Ok then let's go our driver is waiting for us"jennie noona said.
We went outside seeing our drivers.

"Kook I'm going first okay I still have to pick up hon"jennie noona said and I just nod my head and she went towards her car and they drive off.

"Sir give me your luggage I'll be putting that inside the car now" my driver said and I just give him my luggage and went inside the car.
Aish seriously dad give me this kind of car. I feel like royalty having this fancy car and he also give me three guards and also Jennie noona have three guards.
You're life is totally different when you're parents is over protective.

"So sir, ready?"My guard said that it's in the right front sit while the driver sit is in the left side.
And my other guard just right beside me.

"Yeah sure let's roll up" I said and they nodded and drive off.
And for few minutes I'm thinking about how I'm going to handle myself seeing lisa with her boyfriend I don't know what I'm going to do, when Lisa and her boyfriend is going to be their too. in fact a lot off students we'll be their in camp, and I have rather to stay inside my tent and enjoying my self by reading my book.
And Yeap still like reading book it's was my favorite habit especially I'm bored.

"Sir we are here already" he said and I look outside the window a lot of students looking towards the car where I ride on.

"Ok and when I came out in the car I want you guys to go back home after you bring my luggage out okay?" I said and they just nodded their head and four of us went outside.
Aish I hate seeing outside that everyone eyes it's on me.

"Hey kook finally you're here" I turn my head who spoke.
And Yeap my friends bam bam with a girl I think a girl that his been liking.

"Hey bam" I said facing them while my guards already putting my luggage to where I can build my tent.

"Hey Jungkook I'm Mina bam bam girlfriend" she said and I look at bam bam confused, that fast? We just arrived in Korea just yesterday.

"Sorry kook it's just I can't wait confessing my feelings for her" he said hugging her girlfriend, and I just smiled at them.

"Congratulations Guys" I said.

"Thanks" both of them said the same time.

"Okay I think I need to leave you two, I still have to arrange my stuff" I said and they just nodded, and with that I walk towards my luggage, and started to build my tent.
And after few minutes of working on it I finally done.

"Nice work" I heard someone said.
I turn around and I froze to where I stand, seeing her in front of me smiling sweetly.

"Hey kookie you Okay" she spoke and that get me back to reality.
Aish that name it's feel so good hearing out her mouth.

"Hey lisa how you've been" I said while looking around not wanting sehun sees us.

"I'm fine still me"She said sweetly.

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