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Lisa pv:

I wake up by the sunlight hitting on my face, I get up looking around only seeing trees and grasses around, and that's what I realize that we are lost our way yesterday and stay here in a small cave.
Wait where is Jungkook? I look around and I can't see where he is I only see his bag beside me.

"J-Jungkook, w-where are you?" I called his name but no one answered.
I stand up to look for him around but I can't see him from nowhere.

" j-Jungkook please don't play game on me I'm scared" I shouted in fear, and a tears coming out from my eyes.

"Jungkook please I'm scared" I said in I come back from the small cave scared to get lost again.
I sit down beside his bag and hugging my knee crying thinking that Jungkook left me alone here.

"Lisa what happen to you, why did I heard you shout,did something happen to you or did you get hurt?" I left up my head hearing Jungkook voice.
And saw him coming towards me with worried face.

"Hey why did you cry?" He said whipping my cheek out of my face with his cold hand, and I can see how worried he is.
I look at him and quickly jumped to hug him.

"Yaah kookie, why did you leave me alone do you know how much I get scared being alone in this place when I wake up huh?" I said crying, and I feel he hugs me back and rubbing my back, I don't know why I feel so safe in his embrace. And I hope sehun was like this to me who could make me feel safe in his embrace.

"I'm sorry lisa I'm just looking some fruits around that you can eat" he said still rubbing my back, and he made me let go the hug and face me, whipping my tears away.

"Here, I get this mango not far away from here, and I know you're gonna be hungry by the time you wake up so I look somewhere here that where a I can get you food " he said giving me the mango.
I look at him, how can this man so caring towards me and can't even think for himself, I always think that I don't deserve this man if he was my boyfriend and he doesn't deserve to be hurt by some girl who wants him just because his rich.

"Don't look at me like that just eat this" he said put the mango in my mouth, And I glare at him.

"Yah you're mean" I said smack his head, and that's makes his glasses take off from his eyes.
He got shock when his glasses broken and I look at him nervously . Oh no did I just broke his glasses.
He turn to me in shock.

"Yah lisa, What did you do" he said picking up his glasses that already broken

"I'm sorry kookie I didn't mean It" I said panicking.

"Aish what should I do now" he said looking at me.

"I'm sorry I did not know that my hand got your glasses." I said.

"Aish how can you really clumsy" He said looking at his glasses.

I just look down feeling embarrassed to all what I have done to him, his been caring to me and didn't mad at me, when I lost our way and now his glasses.

"Hey lisa it's ok there is nothing to be sad " he said looking at me letting me know that his not mad at me, how can this guy are so kind to me when we first meet in the school I was really rude to him.

"How can you really forgive me that easily Jungkook when I did lots of mistakes towards you" I said looking at him in a sad face, and he look at me showing his smile.

" Lisa why would I be mad at you, it's just small little things okay, so don't be sad, it's not like you harm me or steal any stuff that important to me" he said.

"Jungkook" I called his name.

"Yes What is it?" He ask.

"I'm happy that you be came my friends, and tell me to imagine that you're my boyfriend sehun, it's makes me feel happy and feel that I really have a boyfriend enjoying this camp with me." I said and I hope sehun is like this cause I don't want this moment to be ending.

"I'm glad that you feel that way" he said looking at me.
Why is it hurt to me thinking this guy well be having his own girl and he well be treating his girl better than how he treats me now.

"Hey lisa are okay, you same so sad" He ask me holding my shoulder.
I can't take it anymore I jump and hug him tightly.

"Thank you very much kookie, I don't deserve you to be my friends"I said crying.

"Hey lisa What are you talking about by not deserving you to be my friends.
Hey look at me, you deserve It lisa and everyone in this world deserve to have friends." He said hugging me and he make me let go in the hug and make me look at him, he made me look at him without his glasses on. that's make me look at his beautiful face.

"But why? When I first saw you I was being so rude and not nice to you" I said looking at him.

"Lisa people change, and no matter how bad peoples towards me I believe that they well change" he said smiling at me.

"And now I want you to stop crying I have seen enough of your tears and I don't want any tears from your face anymore for the rest of the day" he said whipping my tears away.

"So can we go now?" I said looking at him smiling.

" Yeap Lets go my noona might be really worried for me" he said and we started walking.

Skip time

"I think we are really here in our camp now
because we already pass the water fall and as fast As I know the water fall is just near in the camp" He said continue walking while holding my hands while me, getting red here by his touch.

"Yeah and gets what we're here" I said pointing unnies and oppas running towards as.

"Yah kook where have you guys been you scared the hell of me" Jennie unnie said running towards Jungkook hugging him.

"Lali where the hell did you guys go" V and jin oppa And Jimin oppa hugging me.

"Amm I just lost our way but good thing Jungkook
Was their with me" I said hugging them back.

"Yah you nutty little girl, did you just lost your way again" I hear jisso unnie glaring at me.

"Aish lali what in the world did you do, you even bring my little cousin with you and lost your way again"Jennie unnie spoke looking around in Jungkook body if he gets hurt or not.

"Yah noona I'm fine it's not like I'm still a kid
And it's not her fault."Jungkook said stopping Jennie noona to what's her doing.

"It's doesn't matter, and where's your glasses?" She ask .

"Amm unnie I'm sorry I accidentally broke it"I said looking at jungkook.

"Aish lali you have done to much to Jungkook from bringing him and get lost and even broke his glasses" rose said laughing at me.

"Guys that's enough, all that mistake is nothing okay, she didn't mean it."Jungkook said stopping them from bullying me.

"Sorry Jungkook lisa it's just like that since then"Jin oppa spoke.

"Yeap and you little girl stop making trouble mmmh"V oppa said patting my head.

"Ok guys I think this two are hungry now, and beb did you cook something for this two kids here"jisso unnie said and ask Jin oppa if he did cook for me and Jungkook.

"I did beb"Jin oppa said.

"Ok then so my little cousin can eat now, and you Lali don't ever do that again okay" Jennie unnie said and I just nodded my head.

"Ok guys let's go chall we? " Jimin oppa ask.

" well.......we should bebe" Rose said

"Ok guys let's go we still have to do something fun later" V oppa said.
And we all walk back to where our place.

                           To be continue

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