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I'm here inside my tent reading my book not until someone called me outside my tent.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"You're noona kook" I heard Jennie noona.

"Come in noona" I said.
And she get inside looking at me disbelief.

"Yah how could you read again, we're here in camp kook and it's time for fun not reading" she said taking away my book.

"Noona I just need a rest by reading book okay and after that I am going out to have fun with you guys"I said taking away my book back from her hands.

"And by the way why are you here?" I ask.

"Well after this camp my mom and dad tells me that their at your house."she said.

"And?" I ask.

"They said they want me to go there after this camp" She said.

"And what's the big deal of that going to my house. isn't cool?" I said looking at her because she looks a bet nervous.

"Kook what do you mean cool, you know what I mean by this okay.
And we know that if our family gathers, it's mean their is something that they have planning to do for two of us ,and I know you knew what that's mean."he said in a worried tone, and I'm a bet nervous too.

"Noona for now let's no think about that okay, and we can't look so terrified in front of our friends being worried about what's our family planning, we are here in camp and we have to spend our time here with them, being not worrying what would happen next, and no matter what our family planning let's not think about that for now okay"
I said smiling at her.

" Yeah you right, and come out now lisa is looking for you, I don't know why" she said opening the tent to come out, and I followed behind her.
I wonder why lisa looking for me.

"Hey lisa kook is here"I heard jisso noona shouting.

"Hey kook lisa Is looking for you" Jimin hyung said.

" I know but why?" I ask.

"Well there is something broken on her tent and we told her that we can help her fix it, but she said she doesn't trust us to help her fix her tent."V hyung said.

"And she said we might break it down so she said she doesn't need our help, how cruel is that and she just wants you to fix it"rose noona added.

"Aish I hope we are smarter like you so lisa could trust us, as how she trusted you" Jin hyung spoke.

" where is she?" I ask.

"Inside her tent waiting for you"Jennie noona spoke.

"Ok thanks" I said and I walk away to go towards lisa tent.
And I stand towards her tent waiting for her to notice me.

"Who was it?" I heard her voice.

" it's me" I said still standing outside. And She quickly open the tent and look at me glaring.
She slap me in my shoulder.

"Yah I have been looking for you" she said still glaring at me.

" and why didn't you go to my tent" I said rubbing my shoulder.

"Well jin oppa said your not there." She said.

" and you believe it?" I ask.
Raising my left eyebrow.

"Aish stop that and help me fix my tent it's something broken" she said pushing me to where the broken is.

Skip time.

"There it is, it's fix" I said standing up.

" thanks kookie" she said smiling at me.

"And where do you came out with that name? " I ask.

" Why you don't like it?" She ask.

" No it's not like I don't like it, it's just no one called me that name before." I said.

"Well I came out with the name so I well call you that" she said smiling at me.

" Aish so childish, let's go jin hyung cook something" I said pulling her with me.


We are here gathering around eating and V hyung said something.

"Hey Guys since today is our last day and tomorrow morning we'll be leaving going home, let's do lots of fun today ok, hon request it and you kook stop your reading habits for today because we'll be enjoying our day together ok" he said and I just nodded my head looking at Jennie noona smiling at me.
I know that their is something my family planning about two of us, but I'm trying not to get worried.

To be continue

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